ricette internazionali

Luxuries from leftovers: Salmon paté

Come riciclare gli avanzi di cibo dell’anno scorso? Ecco alcune idee!

calories: 210
fat: 17g
carbohydrates: 2g
suitable for freezing: YES

·        150g cream cheese

·        2tsp creamed horseradish

·        175g smoked salmon trimmings

·        2tbsp lumpfish roe

·        1tbsp dill, chopped

·        4tbsp soured cream

to serve:

·        artisan crispbreads

·        caper berries

·        radishes, halved

·        carrots, celery and cucumber, cut into sticks

1.      Put the cream cheese, horseradish, smoked salmon, lumpfish roe, dill and soured cream in a food processor. Season generously. Blend until smoothly combined. Spoon into ramekins and chill until ready to serve.

2.      Serve with artisan crispbreads, caper berries, radishes, carrots, celery and cucumber sticks.

horseradish rafano
salmon salmone
lumpfish lompo
roe uova di pesce
dill aneto
caper berry cappero
radish ravanello
to season insaporire
generally generalmente
ramekin ramekin


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