ricette internazionali

Lemon Meringue Ices

Con l’estate sempre più calda non c’è niente di meglio di un bel dolce rinfrescante al limone! Vediamo assieme questa gustosissima ricetta!

Lemon meringue Ices

serves: 12
calories per serving: 197
fat per serving: 9g


·         125g caster sugar

·         Juice of 2 lemons (6-7 tablespoons)

·         500g thick Greek yoghurt

·         150ml double cream

·         1 heaped teaspoon good-quality lemon curd per person, to serve

·         1 meringue shell per person, to serve


Whisk the sugar and lemon juice in a large bowl until the sugar dissolves. Add the yoghurt and cream. Spoon into a plastic container. Freeze for a few hours until slushy. Mix well and freeze, then mix again and freeze.

to make up:

Spoon the ice-cream mixture into a metal cooking ring or cutter (about 6.5cm in diameter) on a piece of greaseproof paper to make a round about 2.5cm high. Shape as many as you need, putting them on a tray and returning them to the freezer quickly to firm up. This can be done the day before serving. Use the ice-cream within 2 months.

to serve:

Place each ice-cream round on a chilled plate. Spoon lemon curd over, then place a meringue on top and serve.

Note: If you prefer, add broken meringue to the ice-cream mixture – 45g is enough. Serve the ice-cream in scoops and drizzle with lemon curd.

heaped abbondante
lemon curd crema al limone
meringue shell scorza di meringa
to dissolve sciogliere
slushy molto denso
metal cooking ring anello metallico per cuocere i dolci
cutter formina
greaseproof paper carta oleata
chilled ghiacciato


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