
Lady Diana – La regina dei cuori

Sono passati 25 anni da quel 31 agosto 1997 in cui Lady Diana morì in un incidente automobilistico sotto il ponte de l’Alma, a Parigi. Ricordiamo Diana con questo testo che potete anche ascoltare.

Lady Diana Spencer was born in 1961. She had a normal, quiet upbringing. It could never have prepared her for the fame and glamour of being a British princess. Within a few years, she changed from being a shy teenager to the most photographed person on the planet. She hit newspaper headlines around the world, but the biggest one was for her death at the age of 36.

Diana was a kindergarten teacher in London when she caught the interest of Prince Charles. She won the hearts of a nation with her shy smiles and natural beauty. The whole world watched the fairytale royal wedding in 1981. A year later, she gave birth to Prince William, the first of her two sons.Diana was nervous at first in public, but she soon developed a charming manner. She took a strong interest in many charities and important causes. She highlighted the suffering of the homelesslepers and AIDS victims. She also campaigned for the abolition of landmines and many countries banned them.

Diana and Charles divorced in 1996. She struggled with depression and eating disorders for many years after. She finally found happiness with an Egyptian film producer, Dodi Al-Fayed. Their romance was closely followed by the paparazzi, which led to the fatal car crash that killed her in Paris in 1997. At her funeral, British Prime Minister Tony Blair called her the “People’s Princess”. To many, she was simply the “Queen of Hearts”.

abolition abolizione
charity beneficenza
eating disorder disordine alimentare
fairytale royal wedding matrimonio reale da favola
fame fama, celebritá
fatal car crash incidente stradale fatale
glamour stile, fascino
homeless senza tetto
kindergarten teacher maestra di scuola materna/asilo
landmine mina
lepers lebbroso
suffering sofferenza
to ban proibire
to campaign for … fare una campagna per …
to catch the interest of sb cogliere l’attenzione di qualcuno
to develop a charming manner sviluppare un atteggiamento affascinante
to highlight evidenziare
to lead to sth portare a
to struggle with … avere difficoltá con
to take a strong interest in … avere un interesse per
upbringing educazione
victim vittima



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