Situazioni d'emergenza

Dialoghi utili: Chiamare l’ambulanza

Con questo dialogo impareremo come si può chiamare un’ambulanza in caso di problemi.

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Operator: 911, what’ the address of you emergency?

Caller: I need an ambulance as soon as possible.

Operator: What’s your address?

Caller: 2056 Manor Road.

Operator: What’s the phone number you’re calling from?

Caller: 0765 9532561

Operator: What’s happened? What’s your emergency?

Caller: We have a gentleman here. He’s stopped breathing.

Operator: How old is he?

Caller: He is 52.

Operator: He is conscious and he is not breathing.

Caller: Yes, he is not breathing.

Operator: … and he is not conscious either.

Caller: No, he’s not conscious. I think he’s had a heart attack.

Operator: Alright. Is he on the floor? Where is he right now?

Caller: He is on the bed.

Operator: Okay, let’s get him down the floor. We are already on our way. Did anybody witness what happened?

Caller: We were having lunch and he passed out during the meal.

Operator: Alright, we are less than a mile away and will be there shorty. Stay calm.

Caller: Thank you.

Operator: Call us back if you need further help.


What’s the address of your emergency? – Qual è l’indirizzo dell’emergenza?

I need an ambulance as soon as possible. – Mi serve un’ambulanza il prima possibile.

What’s your address? – Qual è il suo indirizzo?

What’s the phone number you’re calling from? – Da quale numero di telefono sta chiamando

He’s stopped breathing. – Ha smesso di respirare.

He is conscious. – È cosciente.

He is not conscious. – Non è cosciente.

I think he’s had a heart attack. – Penso che abbia avuto un infarto.

Is he on the floor? – È sul pavimento?

Where is he right now? – Dov’è ora

Let’s get him down on the floor. – Lo sdrai sul pavimento.

We’re already on our way. – Siamo già per strada.

Did anybody witness what happened? – Qualcuno ha assistito a cosa è successo?

He passed out. – È svenuto.

We will be there shortly. – Saremo lì in poco tempo.

Stay calm. – Stia calmo.

Call us back if you need further help. – Ci chiami se ha bisogno di ulteriore aiuto.


emergency – emergenza

ambulance – ambulanza

as soon as possible – il prima possibile

to breathe – respirare

conscious – essere cosciente

unconscious – non cosciente

heart attack – attacco di cuore, infarto

to witness – essere testimone di

further – ulteriore



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