
Qual è la differenza tra LOT, LOTS e ALLOT?

Incontriamo spesso le parole LOT, LOTS e ALLOT, ma cosa significano e come si usano correttamente? Leggete questo nella nostra prossima breve lezione. E puoi esercitarti nel test interattivo!

Incontriamo spesso le parole LOT, LOTS e ALLOT, ma cosa significano e come si usano correttamente? Leggete questo nella nostra prossima breve lezione. E puoi esercitarti nel test interattivo!

What does A LOT mean?

 As a noun (come sostantivo): “a large number/ quantity/ amount
‘That’s a lot of bread!’
‘I only have few friends, but my boyfriend has a lot.’

As an adverb (come avverbio): “very much” / “a great deal,” / “often”
She loves him a lot’
‘Tom’s been working out a lot. (often)
Thanks a lot’ (the same as saying Thanks very much).

When is A LOT used as a noun or as an adverb?
Quando si usa A LOT come sostantivo o come avverbio?

To decide, use this simple trick:
Per decidere, usate questo semplice trucco:

If A LOT can be paired with the word of and another noun in the sentence:
Se A LOT può essere accoppiato con la parola di e un altro sostantivo nella frase:

‘We had to revise a lot for the final test’, a lot could refer to a lot of material, so a lot is used as a noun.

If a lot means often,”/”very muchit’s used as an adverb.
Se A LOT significa “spesso”/”molto” è usato come avverbio.

‘Tom has to work out a lot.‘(often)

Remember it is ALWAYS spelt as A LOT. Sometimes we can see ‘alot’ but it is misspelled so AVOID using it.
Ricordate che si scrive sempre A LOT. A volte possiamo vedere ‘alot’ ma è scritto male quindi evita di usarlo.

The word LOTS can mean the same thing as A LOT. LOTS can be used interchangeably with A LOT, both as a noun and as an adverb:
La parola LOTS può avere lo stesso significato di A LOT. LOTS può essere usato in modo intercambiabile con A LOT, sia come sostantivo che come avverbio:

‘Lots of students were at my birthday party.’ (noun/sok diák)
‘She loves your son lots’ (adverb/nagyon)
‘We’ve been practicing lots.’ (often/gyakran)

Both of them used in informal language but LOTS is even more informal.
Entrambi sono usati in un linguaggio informale, ma LOTS è ancora più informale.

What does allot mean?

It is a verb (se verbo):to divide out something into shares or portions,”
‘His father’s estate was allotted among his heirs.’

It can also mean “to dedicate or assign mainly money or time, for a specific purpose,”
Può anche significare “dedicare o assegnare principalmente denaro o tempo, per uno scopo specifico”.

‘They’re going to allot half of their budget for supplies.’
‘Please allot more time to review your colleagues’ work.’

How to use a lot vs. allot

when you’re talking about a large quantity of something
when something happens or is done often/all the time
It can be used as a noun or an adverb.

quando si parla di una grande quantità di qualcosa
quando qualcosa accade o viene fatto spesso/tutto il tempo
Può essere usato come sostantivo o avverbio

when you’re talking about dividing something into portions
when you’re devoting a portion of time, money, or something else to a specific purpose.
It is used as a verb.

quando si parla di dividere qualcosa in porzioni
quando si sta dedicando una porzione di tempo, denaro o qualcos’altro a uno scopo specifico.
È usato come verbo.

Examples of a lot and allot used in a sentence:

She loves having a lot of toppings on her pizza.

As I have a lot, I do believe it’s my responsibility to help others who have very little.

We’ve been thinking a lot about this question, and we think we have the perfect answer for it.

The remaining shares have been allotted between Paul and his sibling.

We requested that representative of the local government that they should allot more money to the park project.

They’ll need to allot a lot of time to standardize the final tests.


interesting info:
come sostantivo:
telek/parcella = lotto/particella catastale
tétel (aukciónál) = lotto (all’asta)
nagy mennyiség/adag (I’ve already done one lot of washing.) = grande quantità/lotto (Ho già fatto un lotto di lavaggio).
helyrajzi szám (lot number) = numero di lotto
nullszéria (pilot lot) = lotto pilota
sorteggiare/tirare a sorte: to draw lots

the lot – significato (informale):
tutto (I cooked dinner for three but he ate the lot. = Ho cucinato per 3 ma ha mangiato tutto lui.)

source: Cambridge Dictionary

Scegli la soluzione corretta!

to allot – assegnare
to allot time/money – assegnare tempo/denaro
noun – sostantivo
adverb – avverbio
verb – verbo
interchangeably – intercambiabilmente
to divide out – dividere
to dedicate – dedicare
to assign – assegnare
purpose – scopo
responsibility – responsabilità
remaining – rimanendo
to request – richiedere


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