esercizi di phrasal verbs e modi di dire

5 minuti d’inglese: 5 espressioni al giorno – Collocazioni

Le collocazioni sono espressioni formate da due o più parole (in cui al ricorrere dell’una l’altra co-occorre). In questa mini lezione impariamo 5 collocazioni inglesi con significati ed esempi, e un piccolo esercizio!

Le collocazioni sono espressioni formate da due o più parole (in cui al ricorrere dell’una l’altra co-occorre). In questa mini lezione impariamo 5 collocazioni in inglese, con significati ed esempi, e un piccolo esercizio! make an appointment – to have an appointment

to make an appointment – prendere un appuntamento 

someone sets an official date and time at which to meet or deal with someone

to have an appointment – avere un appuntamento

someone has already made an appointment have a chance – to take a chance

to have a/the chance – avere la possibilitá 

someone has available time to do something

to take a chance – tentare la sorte, tentare la fortuna. 

someone does something that could have either good or bad results make an exception – to take exception

to make an exception – fare un’eccezione 

someone does not treat someone or something according to the usual rules

to take exception to sg/sb – obiettare, eccepire  

someone is offended or made angry by something or someone make time – to take your time

to make time – prendere tempo a fare qualcosa 

someone makes certain you have some time when you are not busy in order to do something you think you should do

to take your time – fare con calma

someone does not hurry doing sg/ someone does something too slowly (disapproving) make trouble – to take the trouble

to make trouble – creare guai/creare problemi

someone acts or behaves in a troublesome manner; someone causes problems or issues.

to take the trouble to do/of doing sg – fare la fatica di fare qualcosa 

someone makes the effort or goes out of one’s way to do something.

sources: Cambridge Dictionary; Collins Dictionary; The Free Dictionary by Farlex

Scegli la risposta giusta! 

to deal with – occuparsi di qc

available – disponibile

results – risulatati

to treat – trattare qc

according to rules – secondo le regole

to offend – offendere

to make certain – assicurarsi, accertarsi

in order to – per …

to hurry – essere in fretta

to behave in a troublesome manner – comportarsi in un modo problematico/difficile

issues – problemi, questioni

to make the effort – fare fatica

unless – a meno che non

to accept late applications – accettare applicazioni/domande tardive


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