lezioni di phrasal verbs e modi di dire

Vocabulary builder: Idioms and phrases for family gatherings

Una bella festa in casa con tutta la famiglia riunita è qualcosa di estremamente piacevole, ma soprattutto se la famiglia è molto grande alcuni problemi potrebbero emergere… vediamoli assieme : )

Idiom Meaning Italian translation
to steer clear of to avoid evitare
to go off on one (UK )/go off on someone (US) to lose one’s temper; attack someone perdere la pazienza
to go (UK) / go off  (US) with a bang  to be very successful avere molto successo
to have a whale of a time to enjoy themselves very much godersela
to turn into the life and soul of the party to become happy and sociable essere l’anima della festa
to be your flesh and blood to be part of your family sangue dello stesso sangue
to drive sy around the bend to annoy very much essere molto noioso
to be a complete wet blanket a miserable person who stops others enjoying themselves fare il guastafeste
to make a scene to behave badly fare una scenata
to not let anyone else get a word in edgeways (UK)/edgewise (US). to not be able to say anything because someone else is talking all the time non lasciare nessun altro dire una parola
to get up at the crack of dawn to get up extremely early svegliarsi all’alba
to  climb the walls to be bored and to need exercise essere iperattivo
to go a bit stir-crazy to be desperate to get away innervosirsi
to be a bone of contention something that causes arguments essere l’oggetto della contesa
to break the bank to cost too much sbancare il banco
to not see eye to eye to not agree non avere la stessa idea
to run/go like clockwork to be successful filare liscio come l’olio
a difficult balancing act situation in which you try to achieve several different things at the same time un equilibrio difficile
to be rushed off your feet to be extremely busy essere super impegnata
to walk on eggshells to be very careful what you say or do camminare sui gusci di uova
it can take its toll can affect you badly può dare dei problemi
to keep your cool to remain calm mantenere il sangue freddo
to go like a dream to go very successfully andare tutto a meraviglia



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