ricette inglesi

Uova alla scozzese – ricetta tipica britannica

Le scotch eggs o uova alla scozzese sono una ricetta tipica della tradizione britannica.

Pork and mustard Scotch eggs

makes: 4 Scotch eggs
preparation time: 20 mins to prepare and 20 mins to cook, 30 mins to cool
calories per serving: 575 calories / serving


– 4 eggs, plus 1 egg white
– 1 x 400g pack of pork sausages
– 1 tbsp thyme leaves, chopped
– 1 tbsp chives, snipped
– 1 tbsp English mustard
– 2 tbsp plain flour, plus extra for dusting
– 25g breadcrumbs
– 25g fresh breadcrumbs
– 1 litre vegetable oil

1. Put the eggs into a pan of boiling water, ensuring they are fully covered. Cook for 6 minutes then blanch in ice-cold water.
2. Squeeze the sausage meat out of the skins and into a bowl. Mix in the herbs and mustard.
3. Carefully remove the shell from the eggs. Line up 3 bowls. In one put flour, in another put lightly whisked egg white, and in the third put the golden and fresh breadcrumbs mixed together.
4. Dust an egg in flour, then take a handful of sausage meat and pat into your hand. Place the egg on top and mould the sausage meat around the egg until covered in an even layer. Shape into a ball.
5. Coat the ball in flour, dip in egg white then fully coat with breadcrumbs. Repeat with the remaining eggs.
6. Heat the oil in a small saucepan to medium-hot, or until breadcrumbs dropped in sizzle on contact with the oil. Carefully lower each Scotch egg into the oil and cook for 6 minutes, or until golden brown. It’s best to cook no more than two at a time.
7. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper. Leave to cool before serving.

thyme leaves – foglie di timo
chopped –spezzettata/e
chives – erba cipollina
snipped – tagliuzzata/e
for dusting – per spolverare
breadcrumbs – briciole di pane, pangrattato
to ensure – assicurarsi / essere sicuro
to blanch – sbollentare
to squeeze – spremere / schiacciare
to remove – rimuovere
shell – guscio
to line up – mettere in fila
whisked – sbattuto/a
to dust – spolverare
a handful of – una manciata di
to mould – modellare
to shape – modellare
to coat – cospargere / coprire
to drop in – far cadere
to sizzle – sfrigolare
at a time – alla volta
slotted spoon –schiumarola
to drain –sgocciolare


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