
The history of popsicles – La storia del ghiacciolo (con video ed esercizio)

Sapevate che il ghiacciolo (popsicle) è stato inventato da un bambino negli Stati Uniti nel 1905? Ecco la storia di questa delizia popolarissima in inglese (con video, vocabolario ed esercizio di comprensione)! A voi piace il „popsicle”?

Dopo aver guardato il video, rispondi alle domande in inglese: 

  1. Who invented popsicle and how old was this person that time?
  2. What had he wanted to do originally?
  3. What happened to the drink?
  4. What did he do with his ’drink’?
  5. What did he do later on?
  6. What was this product called at the beginning and why?
  7. What did others claim about the name of the product?
  8. How was the name ’popsicle’ born according to rumors?

popsicle – ghiacciolo (come delizia)
DIY drink – bevanda fai da te
sugary soda powder – polvere zuccherta per preprare bevande
enthusiastically – entusiasticamente
wooden stir stick – bastoncino di legno per mescolare la bevanda
frozen-solid – completamente congelato
to lick – leccare
frozen treat – delizia ghiacciata
contraction – contrazione
icicle – ghiacciolo
to catch attention – attirare l’attenzione
to abandon – abbandonare
to embed – incastrare
to dub – soprannominare
approximately – approssimatamente


1. Frank Epperson, he was eleven years old.;
2. He had wanted to make a sort of DIY drink that was very popular at this time. He poured a sugary soda powder into a glass of water and mixed it enthusiastically with a wooden stir stick;
3. It became frozen-solid due to the low temperature at that night.;
4. Instead of throwing it out, he tasted/licked it.;
5. Frank began making the frozen treat for friends, and as he grew older, began selling them as Eppsicles.;
6. It was called Eppsicles, a contraction of his last name and the word icicle.;
7. Others claimed the name is a combination of lollipop and icicle.;
8. Frank’s own kids dubbed the icy delicacy Pop’s ‘cicle.


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