
Sherlock: Get off my Sheet!

Il 6 gennaio (l’anno è il 1853 o il 1854, chissà) nasce Sherlock Holmes. In suo onore, ecco una brevissima scena della serie britannica Sherlock, con un compito e un glossario, naturalmente.

(Buckingham Palace)

Sherlock: Mycroft, I don’t do anonymous clients. I’m used to mystery at one end of my cases. Both ends is too much work. Good morning.

Mycroft: This is a matter of national importance. Grow up!

Sherlock: Get off my sheet!

Mycroft: Or what?

Sherlock: Or I’ll just walk away.

Mycroft: I’ll let you.

Watson: Boys, please. Not here.

Sherlock: Who. Is. My. Client?

Mycroft: Take a look at where you’re standing and make a deduction. You are to be engaged by the highest in the land. Now for God’s sake … put your clothes on!


Watch the scene once again and fill in the gaps.

Sherlock: Mycroft, I don’t do anonymous clients. I’m used to 1……………. at one end of my cases. Both ends is too much work. 2…………..

Mycroft: This is a matter of national importance. Grow up!

Sherlock: Get off my 3…………!

Mycroft: Or what?

Sherlock: Or I’ll just 4…………..

Mycroft: I’ll let you.

Watson: Boys, 5……….. Not here.

Sherlock: Who. Is. My. Client?

Mycroft: Take a look at where you’re standing and make a 6…………. You are to be engaged by the highest in the land. Now for God’s sake… put your clothes on!


1. mystery

2. Good morning.

3. sheet

4. walk away

5. please

6. deduction

client – cliente
to be used to something – essere abituato a qualcosa
mystery – mistero
case – caso
a matter of national importance – una questione di importanza nazionale
to grow up – crescere
to get off – scendere
sheet – foglio
to walk away – allontanarsi
to let – lasciare che
to take a look at – dare un’occhiata
deduction – deduzione
to engage – impegnarsi
for God’s sake – per amor di Dio


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