
Celebrating Thanksgiving – Festeggiamo il Ringraziamento (dialogo con audio – A2/B1)

Ascoltate questo dialogo sul Giorno del Ringraziamento (Thanksgiving) e imparate le parole e le frasi più importanti.

Ascoltate un dialogo sul Giorno del Ringraziamento (Thanksgiving) e imparate le parole e le frasi più importanti.



Woman: It’s already the middle of November and Thanksgiving is around the corner. I can’t wait to have the kids at home for a couple of days.
Man: Are they coming home? Have you talked to them?
Woman: Well, I think, it’s obvious. It’s Thanksgiving weekend, everybody visits their family. I’m so excited to meet them and talk to them in person. I know that we often call each other and continuously chat on Messenger, but that’s not the same as meeting them face to face.
Man: Yes, that’s true. What are your plans for Thanksgiving this year?
Woman: The same as every year. A sumptuous Thanksgiving feast of roast turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy, corn bread, and pumpkin pie for dessert.
Man: Sounds good, but you know that I don’t really like pumpkin pie. It’s too sweet for my taste.
Woman: I’ll make some apple pie as well, just for you.
Man: Thanks, honey. Any other plans apart from the meal?
Woman: Your parents will be in town. We might invite them over. Your dad loves watching football with you after the Thanksgiving meal and spending a lazy afternoon with the kids.
Man: Good idea. Dad can be really funny when he cheers for the underdog team. He always supports the underdogs. That’s his policy. How are the kids coming home? Are they going to fly or drive?
Woman: I don’t know. But they’d better fly. The roads can get terribly busy before Thanksgiving and I would be anxious about their safety.
Man: Both of them are excellent drivers, so you shouldn’t worry. Are you going to call them to arrange the details or shall I?
Woman: I will call them tonight. The sooner we know the better.


Thanksgiving is around the corner.Il Giorno del Ringraziamento è alle porte.
I can’t wait to have the kids at home. Non vedo l’ora di avere i bambini a casa.
for a couple of days – per un paio di giorni
It’s obvious. – É ovvio.
What are your plans for Thanksgiving this year? – Quali sono i suoi programmi per il Ringraziamento di quest’anno?
The same as every year.  – Gli stessi di ogni anno.
Sounds good. – Sembra buono.
It’s too sweet for my taste. – È troppo dolce per i miei gusti.
Just for you. – Solo per te.
We might invite them over. – Potremmo invitarli a casa nostra.
He always supports the underdogs. – Sostiene sempre gli sfavoriti.
They’d better fly.  – Sarebbe meglio se volino.
The roads can get terribly busy before Thanksgiving. – Le strade possono essere terribilmente trafficate prima del Ringraziamento.
I would be anxious about their safety. – Sarei in ansia per la loro sicurezza.
The sooner we know the better. Prima lo sappiamo meglio è.


Thanksgiving – Ringraziamento
in person – di persona
face to face – di persona, faccia a faccia
to chat – chiacchierare
sumptuous – sontuoso
feast – festa
roast turkey – tacchino arrosto
mashed potatoes – puré di patate
gravy – sughetto
corn bread – kukoricpane di mais
pumpkin pietorta di zucca
to cheer – tifare
underdog team – la squadra più debole e sfavorita



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