ricette americane

Ricette americane: Key Lime Pie

La key lime pie è una fresca e golosa torta di origine americana, preparata con una crema di latte condensato e lime.

Key Lime Pie

Popular in the Florida area where the small yellow key limes are used, the pie filling can look yellow rather than green. The base is ususally a biscuit one made from graham crackers. The condensed milk filling thickens when the acidic lime zest and juice is added and the egg yolks also help the setting. To save wasting the egg whites, the pie is sometimes served with a meringue topping rather than whipped cream.

serves: 6-8
calories per serving: 464
fat per serving: 25g

for the base:

  • 250g biscuits or graham crackers
  • 90g butter, melted

for the filling:

  • 450g sweetened condensed milk
  • 6 medium egg yolks
  • finely grated zest and juice of 6 limes
  • few drops of green food colouring, optional
  • whipped cream and lime wedges, to decorate
  • 20cm loose-bottomed flan tin, buttered

Set the oven to moderate, Gas Mark 4 or 180C.

To make the base: Crush the biscuits or crackers to give fine crumbs and stir in the butter. Press the mixture into the flan tin, to line the base and sides.

To make the filling: Pour the condensed milk into a bowl and beat in the egg yolks, then fold in the lime zest and juice, and food colouring, if using. Pour filling over the base. Place the flan tin on a baking sheet and bake in the centre. Remove pie from the oven and leave to cool, then chill until the centre is firm.

Serve the pie chilled, decorated with whipped cream and thin wedges of lime. Not suitable for freezing.

key lime – lime
biscuit – biscotti
condensed milk – latte condensato
filling – ripieno
to thicken – addensare
egg yolk – tuorlo d’uovo
meringue – meringa
grated zest – scorza grattuggiata
whipped cream – panna montata
wedge – spicchio (di limone/patate/ecc.)
baking sheet – teglia


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