esercizi di vocabolario

QUIZ VOCABOLARIO: Carnival and dress-up

Carnival – Carnevale – quiz vocabolario

QUIZ VOCABOLARIO: Carnival and dress-up

Welcome to your Carnival Vocabulary

 I love …....... for parties! I'll be a clown this year.

My sister adores history and she loves dressing up in  …........ .

The annual festival involving processions and dancing is called:

My daughter wore a cat costume, she even had …..... on! 

The beauty queen wore a purple gown for the …........ .

The main …...... of the carnival is going on be on Tuesday.

Mummy, can you …..... the legs on my octopus costume? They are too loose.

It took ages to …...... my Wonder Woman costume.

Can you help me ….......? This costume is itchy, I'd like to change into something more comfortable.

I don't like elaborate costumes. I usually just …...... some jeans and a T-shirt and say that I'm an off-duty pilot.

It is very easy to …........ my magician costume. Just a shirt, a bow tie and a top hat!

I didn't want to get my hair dyed, so I decided on wearing a …..... for the party.

The …......... is skilled in keeping several objects in motion in the air at the same time by alternately tossing and catching them.

A party at which people wear masks and often costumes is a …........... . 

The …......... is often white and usually gilded and heavily decorated

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carnival – carnevale
face paint – pittura facciale
juggler – giocoliere
masquerade party – festa in maschera
pageant – sfilata, corteo
parade – parata, corteo
period costume – costume d’epoca
to dress up – vestirsi
to fasten – agganciare, fissare
to slip into – entrare dentro
to throw on – mettersi addosso
to undress – spogliarsi
to unzip – aprire la cerniera
Venetian mask – maschera veneziana
wig – parrucca


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