esercizi di phrasal verbs e modi di dire

QUIZ VOCABOLARIO: Break Phrasal Verbs and Idioms

BREAK – idioms and phrasal verbs. Espressioni con la parola BREAK.

QUIZ VOCABOLARIO: Break Phrasal Verbs and Idioms

Welcome to your Break Phrasal Verbs and Idioms

The cyclist …....... from the pack. He desperately wanted to win.

The elevator has …........, you have to take the stairs now.

I love my new shoes, but they are not soft enough, I have to …..... them ......... .

They had to leave the site. The leader of the mission decided to …...... and go home.

Host: “Some …......... now on the hostage situation in Milwaukee.”

When she was talking about her grandmother, she suddenly …....... a flood of tears.

Did you know they have …......... their engagement?

Congratulations on your exam! Let's …........ the champagne!

The group …....... into three main groups, if you analyze the performance of its members.

Tomorrow is your big show? Break a ….....!

Apple Inc. broke …........ in the computer business.

That's enough, boys! Stop it! …......... 

Getting fired was bad enough, but losing my wallet the same day was the ….. . 

She works hard, but she's never had a …........ . 

I …........ a large piece of chocolate and gave it to Harry.

Clicca 'Invia il tuo test!" per vedere i tuoi risultati!

Break a leg! – In bocca al lupo!
Break it up! – Smettila, piantala!
lucky break – colpo di fortuna
the straw that broke the camel’s back – la goccia che fa traboccare il vaso
to break away – staccarsi, separarsi
to break back – prendere in contropiede
to break camp – levare le tende
to break down – scomporsi
to break in – irrompere, intromettersi
to break into – iniziare improvvisamente a fare qualcosa
to break new ground – addentrarsi in nuovi territori
to break news – dare una notizia
to break off – troncare
to break on  – fare una pausa
to break out – evadere, scoppiare
to break over – infrangere, infrangersi
to break through – sfondare, demolire
to break up – lasciarsi, mollarsi, mollare


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