esercizi di vocabolario


Air travel – Viaggio con l’aereo – quiz vocabolario


Welcome to your Air Travel Vocabulary!

To get on or enter an aeroplane:

A national flight is a/an: 

Government official responsible for checking passengers' passports:

Extreme tiredness, etc. after a long flight between extreme time zones:

Corridor in aeroplane between the seats:

A break for a day or two on an international flight:

To register for a flight, inc. checking of tickets, passports, luggage, etc.:

Light bags that may be carried on board by passengers:

An aeroplane scheduled to fly a certain route at a certain time:

A(n) …..... passenger is one stopping at an airport that is not their destination. 

The strip on which planes land and take off:

Large display in airport showing times, destinations etc. of departing flights:

Place where passengers go to find their luggage at the end of a flight:

Exempt from customs taxes:

Special ticket showing that passenger has checked in and may board plane:

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Real jet aircraft, isolated on white background

aisle – corridoio
baggage claim – ritiro bagagli
to board – imbarcare/imbarcarsi
boarding pass – carta di imbarco
to check in – fare il check-in
departures board – area delle partenze
domestic flights – voli nazionali
duty free – duty free (senza tasse)
flight – volo
hand luggage – bagaglio a mano
immigration office – ufficio immigrazione
jet lag – jet lag (disturbo causato dal cambio di fuso orario)
runway – pista (di decollo e atterraggio)
stopover – scalo
transit passenger – passeggero in transito


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