lezioni di vocabolario

5 expressioni al giorno – News English 1 – La lingua inglese nelle news

In questa lezione impariamo 5 frasi inglesi che si trovano spesso negli articoli di giornali.

1.to clap back – ribattere

to quickly answer or criticize someone who has criticized, insulted, or annoyed you

If you say something negative to me, you know, I clap back. I stand up for myself. – Se mi dici qualcosa di negativo, ti rispondo. Mi difendo da solo.

2.to crack down on – reprimere

to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way

The police are cracking down on drug human traffickers.  – La polizia sta dando un giro di vite ai trafficanti di droga.

3.to gloss over – sorvolare

to avoid considering something, such as an embarrassing mistake, to make it seem not important, and to quickly continue talking about something else

The documentary glossed over some important issues. – Il documentario ha sorvolato su alcune questioni importanti.

4.to seek out – cercare, investigare 

to look for someone or something, especially for a long time until you find him, her, or it

While she was at the meeting, her partner decided to seek out some information about entertainment facilities. – Mentre era in riunione, il suo partner decise di cercare informazioni sulle strutture di intrattenimento.

5.to stamp out – timbrare

to get rid of something that is wrong or harmful; to stop and destroy something

Their first goal is to stamp out hunger. – Il loro primo obiettivo è eliminare la fame.

sources: Cambridge Dictionary; News Vocabulary in English- Understand the News and BOOST Vocabulary, Love English with Leila & Sabrah


to criticize – criticare

insulted – insultato

to annoy – infastidire

to deal with – affrontare, occuparsi di

illegal behaviour – comportamento illegale

severe way – in modo severo

to avoid – evitare

to consider – considerare

embarrassing – imbarazzante

mistake – errore

to get rid of – sbarazzarsi di

to destroy – distruggere



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