lezioni di vocabolario

DO or MAKE? Quando l’uno e quando l’altro?

Rivediamo con un interessante esercizio quando usare “To do” e quando usare “To make”. Spesso in italiano li traduciamo entrambi con “fare”, ma in inglese la differenza è importante!

Rivediamo con un interessante esercizio quando usare “To do” e quando usare “To make”. Spesso in italiano li traduciamo entrambi con “fare”, ma in inglese la differenza è importante!

Do and Make

Put the words below into the correct box.

your homework, a promise, business, money, a good job, time, a course, a difference, an effort, a lot of damage, a living, the shopping, progress, a decision, your best,







your homework


a good job

a course

a lot of damage

the shopping

your best

a promise



a difference

an effort

a living


a decision

Fill in the gaps with the following expressions.

your homework, a promise, business, money, a good job, time, a course, a difference, an effort, a lot of damage, a living, the shopping, progress, a decision, your best,

1.    You should really make ________ to deal with your kids. They miss you so much.

2.    She hasn’t realised how much ________ she’s made. Since their breakup, he’s been a mess.

3.    It think you should do _________ now and we’ll have more time at the weekend to have fun.

4.    You’ve done a really ___________ with this flat. It looks so nice and homey.

5.    I hate doing __________. It seems like such an endless task to do. Everything runs out so quickly and you have to do it again and again.

6.    I’m glad to see that you are making _________ at work.

7.    I love teaching because I can feel that I make ________ in the kids’ lives.

8.    It is hard to learn for young people how to make __________ without their parents.

9.    You have to make ________ . You can’t spend more time thinking about it.

10.  I’m afraid you have to do __________ to make it up for her (kiengesztelni).

11.  You should make ________ and help out more at home.

12.  Getting new curtains in the living room really has made ___________.

13.  You shouldn’t do _______ with that guy. I’ve heard that he has connections with the mob (maffia).

14.  I’m thinking about doing _________ at the local cookery school.

15.  Kids think that it is an easy thing to make __________. They want to buy everything they see.


1.    time
2.    damage
3.    your homework
4.    good job
5.    the shopping
6.    progress
7.    a difference
8.    a living
9.    a decision
10.  you best
11.  an effort
12.  a difference
13.  business
14.  a course
15.  money

(‘money’ and ‘a living’ can be both used in 8 and 15)

to do your homework – fare i compiti

to do business – fare affari

to do a good job – fare un buon lavoro

to do a course – seguire un corso

to do a lot of damage – fare molti danni

to do the shopping – fare la spesa

to do your best – fare del proprio meglio

to make a promise – fare una promessa

to make money – fare soldi

to make time – trovare il tempo

to make a difference – fare la differenza

to make an effort – fare uno sforzo

to make a living – guadagnarsi da vivere

to make progress – fare progressi

to make a decision – prendere una decisione


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