esercizi di vocabolario

Imagine Dragons: Symphony

Ascolta la canzone e impara i nomi degli strumenti musicali in inglese.

Find the missing musical instruments in the text!

drum, strings, timpani, tambourine, piano, xylophone, trumpet, saxophone, flute, trombone, guitar

tamburo, archi, timpani, tamburello, pianoforte, xilofono, tromba, sassofono, flauto, trombone, chitarra

Ever since I’s young (coming up, coming up)
Always marching to a ……….. (bra da dum, bra da dum)
Always focused on me (one one, one one)
Now I wish that I could hold someone (someone)

So tell my mom I love her, call my baby sister
Should’ve hug and kissed her
‘Cause life is just a mystery
And it’s gone before you know it

So if you love me, won’t you show it? Oh

‘Cause this life is one big symphony
This night is one for you and me

I’m the ………. and you’re the ………..
You’re my constant ………..
This life is one big symphony

So glad I’ve got you next to me
I’m the chords and you’re the melody
This life’s one big symphony

She was the ………, I’m the ………
You can have the …….., I’m the ……..

Life a skipping rope (keep going, keep going)
Finding solace in a note (dote dote, dote dote)

Had to struggle when I’s broke (so low, so low)
Writing music just to cope (no hope, no hope)

Yeah, life is just perspective
Laughing when you’ve wrecked it
Smiling when you kept it together
You weathered the storm

At the end of the play, you sang all the way
Doesn’t matter how off-key
If you did it your way

This life is one big symphony
This night is one for you and me

I’m the ……… and you’re the ……..
You’re my constant ……….
This life is one big symphony

So glad I’ve got you next to me
I’m the chords and you’re the melody
This life’s one big symphony

Would you care if I played you the ………?
See, it’s my favorite one because it’s so delicate and beautiful
I pull out the ……. if it’s more suitable

Wanna make you smile
It’s been a little while since I’ve seen the white of your teeth
Been a hard year
Lucky the ………’s here

Life is just one big symphony

‘Cause this life is one big symphony
This night is one for you and me
I’m the …….. and you’re the ………

You’re my constant ……..
This life is one big symphony

So glad I’ve got you next to me
I’m the chords and you’re the melody
This life’s one big symphony

to march marciare
to focus on concentrarsi su
constant costante
chords accordi
skipping rope saltare la corda
solace conforto
note nota (musicale)
to struggle lottare
to cope affrontare
perspective prospettiva
to wreck naufragare qualcosa
off-key stonato


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