lezioni di vocabolario


Farther o Further? Ecco una interessante distinzione fra due parole che creano sempre molta confusione. Facciamo chiarezza una volta per tutte, così da non sbagliarci più in futuro!

Further also has an adverbial sense of “moreover; additionally,” so you can say:

Further, you hurt my feelings, but NOT Farther, you hurt my feelings.

In some cases, you can use either of these words, especially when the distinction isn’t clear. For example, if you are discussing a book, you could argue that there is physical distance between the pages that can be measured. However, since the distance between pages is not geographical in nature, usage of further vs. farther is ambiguous. When it’s not completely clear which word to use, you can choose either one, though it’s usually safer to go with further because it has less restriction that its cousin.

I’m further along in the book than other members of my book club.

The other members of my book club are further along in the book than I am.

While the above is a general guide to good usage, the physical vs. figurative distance distinction is not always adhered to in popular usage, a fact that you will find reflected in our definitions for these two terms.

However, knowing the difference between good usage and popular usage will set you apart in formal settings.

We hope this explanation has furthered your understanding of these two terms!

source: dictionary.com

Farther or further? Which one would you use in the following sentences?

1. The …….. I go, the more I miss my home.

2. His decision was ……. complicated by uncertainty about the future.

3. The library is …… from my house than the bookstore.

4. I jog a little …… each day.

5. I am …… along in my holiday shopping than I was last year at this time.

6. ……., I intend to finish my shopping before the end of the week.

7. Do you live …… away from the city now?

8. I’ll be delving …… into the topic at a later date.

9. Have you got anything …… to say?

10. We intend to stay a …… two weeks.


1. farther

2. further

3. farther

4. farther

5. further

6. Further

7. farther

8. further

9. further

10. further

interchangeably indistintamente
subtle sottile
distinction distinzione
straightforward semplice, chiaro
widely accepted largamente accettato
figurative metaforico
degree grado
extent entità, portata, dimensioni
to advance fare avanzare
moreover inoltre, oltretutto
additionally inoltre, per di più
to argue discutere, sostenere che
ambiguous ambiguo
restriction limitazioni
to adhere to sg rispettare, seguire


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