ricette americane

Eggs Benedict – il sinonimo di brunch americano

Avete mai assaggiato “Eggs Benedict?” Le uova alla Benedict sono sinonimo di brunch americano, e si mangano sopratutto ai ristoranti. Vediamo ora la storia di questo cibo famoso tutto il mondo, e anche la ricetta – in inglese con vocabolario, of course:)

When it comes to the origin of Eggs benedict, food historians tell us two stories, and that we will never know which one is true. Both versions take place in 1893/94 in posh New York restaurants and attribute the name to a wealthy man named Benedict.

Watch the video to see how to prepare this delicious dish!

As for the recipe, I suggest Gordon Ramsay’s version, that you can watch here: GORDON’S EGGS BENEDICT


  • 3 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 4 large free range eggs
  • 2 toasting muffins
  • 1 batch hot hollandaise sauce
  • 4 slices Parma ham (or Serrano or Bayonne)


1. Bring a deep saucepan of water to the boil (at least 2 litres) and add the vinegar. Break the eggs into 4 separate coffee cups or ramekins. Split the muffins, toast them and warm some plates.

2. Swirl the vinegared water briskly to form a vortex and slide in an egg. It will curl round and set to a neat round shape. Cook for 2-3 mins, then remove with a slotted spoon.

3. Repeat with the other eggs, one at a time, re-swirling the water as you slide in the eggs. Spread some sauce on each muffin, scrunch a slice of ham on top, then top with an egg. Spoon over the remaining hollandaise and serve at once.

Nutrition per serving:

705 kcalories, protein 18g, carbohydrate 16g, fat 64 g, saturated fat 36g, fibre 1g, salt 1,34 g

origin origine
historian storico
to take place avvenire
wealthy ricco
delicious squisito
to suggest suggerire
vinegar aceto
to bring to the boil portare a ebolizione
to swirl mulinare, vorticare
vortex vortice
to slide scorrere, scivolare
to remove rimuovere
slotted spoon schiumarola
to spread diffondere
to scrunch accartocciare
remaining rimanente


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