Fare shopping/la spesa

FARE SHOPPING/LA SPESA – At the baker’s – Dal fornaio

Dialogo utile che ti aiuta a comprare pane dal fornaio in inglese.

Good morning.
Baker: Good morning, madam. What can I get you?
Woman: I would like a package of sliced bread?
Baker: White, brown, rye or wholemeal?
Woman: White, please.
Baker: How much?
Woman: Half a kilo.
Baker: Anything else, madam?
Woman: Yes, I need some cheese topped rolls.
Baker: How many of them?
Woman: Four. Do you sell buns?
Baker: Yes, what kind of buns would you like?
Woman: I’d like four raisin buns and give me two croissant as well, please.
Baker: Here you go, madam. Do you need something else?
Woman: No, thank you. How much do I pay?
Baker: 4.1 pounds.

[give_form id=”4892″]


What can I get you?Cosa posso darle?
I would like a package of … .Vorrei un pacchetto di.
How much?Quanto?
Anything else?Qualcos’altro?
I need some … .Mi serve / servono un po’ di….

Do you sell … .?Vendete…?
What kind of … would you like?Quale tipo di… desiderate?
Give me … .Mi dia….
Here you go.Ecco qua / Ecco a Lei.
Do you need something else?Ha bisogno di qualcos’altro?
How much do I pay?Quanto devo pagare?


sliced breadpane a fette
white/brown/rye/wholemeal breadpane bianco/scuro/segale/integrale
cheese topped – condito con formaggio
rollrotolo (tipo speciale di panino al forno inglese)
bun ciambella


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