Fare shopping/la spesa

FARE SHOPPING/LA SPESA – Asking about the warranty – Chiedere informazioni sulla garanzia

Da questa lezione imparerai come chiedere informazioni sulla garanzia di un prodotto.

Good afternoon! I’ve just bought this laptop computer, and I need the warranty card to be stamped.

Shop assistant: Certainly. Yes, here it is. Please, fill in the form with your name, address and the product serial number. In the meantime I’ll check the product.
Woman: Okay. Do you need any other contact numbers?
Shop assistant: No, madam. That’s enough. Can I have the receipt for a moment?
Woman: Here it is.
Shop assistant: Thank you. I’ll just stamp the warranty card for you, and make a copy of the receipt. I’ll be back in a minute.
Woman: All right.
Shop assistant: Okay. Everything is done. The warranty card is in the box …and here is your receipt back.
Woman: Is the warranty valid in Hungary, too?
Shop assistant: Yes, it´s valid throughout the world.


I need the warranty card to be stamped.Ho bisogno che venga stampato il certificate di garanzia.
Fill in the form.Riempia il modulo
Do you need any other … ?Ha bisogno di altri …?
That’s enough. –  É sufficiente.
Can I have the receipt for a moment?Posso avere la ricevuta per un momento?
I’ll stamp the warranty card for you.Stamperò il certificate di garanzia per lei.
I’ll make a copy of the receipt.faro una copia della ricevuta.
I’ll be back in a minute.Ritrnerò in un minuto.
Is the warranty valid in …? La garanzia è valida in…?
It’s valid throughout the world.É valida dappertutto nel mondo.


warranty – garanzia
warranty card – certificato di garanzia
to be stampedessere stampato
certainly certamente
to fill in a formriempire un modulo
serial numbernumero di serie
in the meantimenel frattempo
to checkcontrollare
receipt ricevuta


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