
Coffee Break – pausa caffè!

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Coffee Break

Coffee is a brewed drink. It is prepared from roasted coffee beans. Coffee plants were first exported from Africa and are now cultivated in over 70 countries. The two most common types are Arabica and the stronger Robusta. Coffee has a stimulating effect because of its caffeine content.

Coffee can be prepared in many different ways and there are many rituals surrounding coffee. For many people, starting the day with coffee or stopping at a certain point in the day to have a cup of coffee is a good way to relax for a few minutes. Having coffee with friends of family is also a celebration of being together.

There are many different types of coffee beverages. Espresso is a strong, short, concentrated coffee beverage. Cappuccino is a popular coffee drink made from espresso, milk and milk froth, while latte is made of espresso, a bigger amount of milk and milk froth. Macchiato is also espresso-based, served with a small amount of milk. Frappé is especially popular during warmer months, as it is an iced drink made from instant coffee, sugar, water, ice and milk. Filter coffee is a longer, less strong type of coffee that is made with more water. Turkish coffee is a method of preparing unfiltered coffee by simmering ground coffee beans in a pot.

Different cultures drink coffee in different ways. In Italy, espresso is served throughout the whole day. In France, the day is started with café au lait. In Northern Europe, people like their morning coffee with milk and pastries. Coffee houses are an important part of culture for many nations. Vienna, for example, is well-known for its coffee culture. For people in the Middle East, coffee still has some religious meaning and is used in rituals. 

brewed preparato
roasted tosato
to cultivate coltivare
stimulating effect effetto stimolante
celebration celebrazione
beverage bevanda
milk froth schiuma di latte
amount quantità
to simmer cuocere a fuoco lento
ground terra
to serve servire
pastry pasticcino
religious religioso




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