
ASCOLTO/LETTURA B1-B2: Il canguro, il poliziotto e lo schiaffo

Perché il canguro ha schiaffeggiato il poliziotto? … e come finisce questa storia assurda? Scopritelo in questo test di comprensione/ascolto!

Escaped kangaroo captured after punching Canadian officer

A kangaroo that escaped its handlers during transport to a new home was captured east of Toronto after a weekend in the wild, but not before delivering a punch in the face to one of the police officers who brought her run to an end.

The female kangaroo hopped over her handlers during a rest stop at the Oshawa Zoo and Fun Farm in Ontario, the park’s supervisor and head keeper, Cameron Preyde, told CBC.

Videos emerged on social media of the marsupial, who was born in captivity, running along roads in Oshawa, a town on Lake Ontario about 37 miles (60 km) east of Toronto. Officers on patrol spotted the kangaroo at around 3 a.m. on a rural property in northern Oshawa, Staff Sergeant Chris Boileau told CBC Toronto.

They contacted the kangaroo’s handlers and grabbed it by the tail, as instructed, he said. The kangaroo punched one of the officers in the face during the capture, Boileau said. “It’s something that he and his platoon mates will be remembering for the rest of their careers,” he told CBC Toronto.

The kangaroo, which was en route to a zoo in Quebec, received medical treatment and will stay at the Oshawa Zoo for a few days of rest, Preyde said. “We’re going to keep her here for a little while longer, let her rest up and make sure she is safe,” he said.

source: Reuters


handler – addestratore

to deliver a punch – sferrare un pugno

rest stop – fermata di riposo

to emerge – emergere

marsupial – marsupiale

to be born in captivity – nascere in cattività

on patrol – in pattuglia

to spot something – individuare qualcosa

rural property – proprietà rurale

to grab by its tail – afferrare per la coda

capture – catturare

platoon – plotone

mate – compagno

en route to – in viaggio verso

medical treatment – trattamento medico


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