ricette internazionali

Chocolate and Nutella Cheesecake – ricetta in inglese con vocabolario


– 100g butter

– 200g biscuits, finely crushed

– 100g hazelnuts, blitzed in a food processor

– 200g dark chocolate, chopped

– 200g Nutella

– 2 large eggs

– 200g smooth cottage cheese, drained

– 300g cream cheese


1. 20cm non-stick, loose-bottomed cake tin, greased, and the sides lined with baking paper chopped hazelnuts, to decorate.

2. Heat the oven to 130°C, 110°C fan. Melt the butter over a low heat, remove from the heat and stir in the crushed biscuits and hazelnuts. Mix until evenly coated. Spread over the base of the cake tin, pressing down lightly to create a firm base.

3. Melt the chocolate and Nutella in a small, heavy-based saucepan over a medium-low heat until smooth. Mix to combine, and then set aside to cool.

4. Using an electric whisk, beat the eggs, cottage cheese, and cream cheese until just combined, then pour in the chocolate mixture and mix until smooth.

5. Scrape into the cake tin, smoothing the top. Bake for 45 minutes, then run a flat-bladed knife around the edge to prevent cracking.

6. Set aside to cool, and then remove to the fridge for at least 4 hours to cool and set completely. Decorate with chopped hazelnuts to serve.

biscuit biscotto
finely crushed macinato (finemente)
to blitz qui: macinare
food processor robot da cucina
to chop tagliare a piccoli pezzi
smooth liscio
cottage cheese fiocchi di latte
to drain sgocciolare
non-stick antiaderente
cake tin teglia (per torte)
greased ingrassato, oliato
baking paper carta da forno
to melt sciogliere
to stir in mescolare
to spread spalmare
to press down premere
to set aside mettere da parte
to scrape grattare
flat-bladed knife coltello con lama liscia
cracking rottura, spaccature


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