ricette internazionali

Ricette internazionali: Beer and Biltong Muffins

makes: 12-18
preparation time: 20 minutes
baking time: 20 minutes
oven temperature: 180ºC-       50g cold butter

–       410g self-raising flour

–       250ml grated mature Cheddar cheese

–       25ml sugar

–       100ml ground biltong

–       550ml beer

–       60ml melted butter

1. Rub the cold butter into the flour. Reserve 50ml cheese then add the remaining cheese, the sugar and the biltong to the flour mixture. Stir in the beer until just mixed.
2. Line cupcake or muffin trays with lining papers and grease them. Spoon muffin mixture into each one. Spoon melted butter on top of each one and top with the reserved cheese. Bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes or until golden and well risen.
3. Enjoy while still warm, spread with butter or on their own.

biltong – biltong (prodotto a base di carne essiccata dal Sudafrica)
self-raising flour – farina autolievitante
ground – macinato
to rub – strofinare
to line – allineare
to grease – ungere
reserved – tenuto di riserva


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