
SALUTE – AT the dentist’s – Dal dentista

Vediamo un altro che ti aiuta nella conversazione con un dentista,

Good afternoon, madam. How are you doing?
Woman: Good afternoon. I have a toothache, and I’ve also had some gum pain recently.
Dentist: I’ll take a look. Open your mouth, please.
Woman: How does it look?
Dentist: Well, it looks you have a few cavities. I need to take an X-ray to check for decay between the teeth.
Woman: … and what about the gum pain?
Dentist: There’s some inflammation. It may be the result of the cavities. Now, follow me please.
Woman: Certainly.
Dentist: Well, I have some good news. You have two superficial cavities, and I don’t see any evidence of further decay. I’ll get these two teeth drilled, and the nurse will prepare the fillings in the meantime.
Woman: Will you get my teeth cleaned as well?
Dentist: Yes, the dental-hygienist will remove the plaque and get your teeth and gums clean and disease free.
Woman: Thank you.
Dentist: … and now take some water and rinse, please.


How are you doing?Come sta?
I have a toothache.Ho mal di denti.
I’ve had some gum pain recently.Ho avuto recentemente dolore alle gengive.
I’ll take a look.Darò uno sguardo.
How does it look?Come sono/Come sembrano?
It looks you have a few cavities.Sembra che abbia alcune carie.
I need to take an X-ray.Ho bisogno di fare dei raggi-X.

I don’t see any evidence of further decay. Non vedo nessuna prova di ulteriore usura.
Will you get my teeth cleaned?Mi pulirà i denti?
We will remove the plaque.  – Rimuoveremo la placca.


toothache mal di denti
to have a toothacheavere mal di denti
gum gengiva
pain dolore
cavity carie
to take an X-rayfare I raggi-X
result of – il risultato di
to followseguire
superficial superficiales
evidence ofprova di
to drillperforare/trapanare
filling – otturazione/riempimento
in the meantimenel frattempo
to remove –rimuovere
to rinse – risciacquare



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