ricette internazionali

Iced Coffee Soufflé

Con l’estate arriva anche il caldo. Che ne dici di un bel caffè freddo? E magari con anche un po’ di granella di cioccolato sopra…? Allora guardiamo insieme questa ricetta!


Iced Coffee Soufflé

serves: 6-8
calories per serving: 164
fat per serving: 12g


·         1 tablespoon good-quality instant coffee granules or powder

·         30g dark chocolate, broken into pieces, plus a little extra, grated, to decorate

·         1 tablespoon brandy or dark rum

·         2 medium eggs, separated

·         142ml pot double cream

·         60g caster sugar


1.     Put the coffee, 1 tablespoon of hot water and the chocolate in to a small bowl and microwave on full power for 30 seconds, or melt over a pan of simmering water. Add the brandy or rum and stir to make a smooth sauce. Set aside.

2.     Whisk the egg whites in a bowl, whisk the cream in another bowl and whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a third large bowl until thick and creamy. To this third bowl, add the chocolate sauce and mix well, then fold in the cream.

3.     Lastly, fold in the egg whites. Pour into six small ramekins or 8 espresso-size cups or glasses. Freeze for about 4 hours. Use within 1 month.

to serve:

Take out the freezer 10 minutes before serving and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

granule – granello

grated – grattugiato

to decorate – decorare

simmering – ribollente, che sobbolle

to set aside – mettere da parte

ramekin – pirottino, terrina

to sprinkle – cospargere



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