
Un po’ di slang reale – A bit of royal slang

La quarta stagione della serie televisiva The Crown, composta da 10 episodi, è uscita il 15 novembre 2020. Vediamo ora un video (con un esercizio) per imparare un po’ di slang/gergo reale dai protagonisti.

La quarta stagione della serie televisiva The Crown, composta da 10 episodi, è uscita il 15 novembre 2020. Vediamo ora un video (con un esercizio) per imparare un po’ di slang/gergo reale dai protagonisti.

Guarda il video e poi cerca di individuare la definizione delle seguenti parole ed espressioni: 

         OBE – toff – elevenses – HRH – nott cott – the privy purse – equerry – operation London Bridge – investitureSloane Rangers – Blue Blood – Trooping the Colour – Buck House

  1. an officer of the British royal household who attends or assists members of the royal family but historically an officer of the household of a prince or noble who had charge over the stables  
  2. Notthingham cottage is a house in the grounds of Kensington Palace in London. As a grace-and-favour property, the house has been frequently occupied by members of the British royal family, as well as staff and employees.  
  3. Royal Highness (abbreviated HRH for His Royal Highness or Her Royal Highness) is a style used to address or refer to some members of royal families, usually princes or princesses.  
  4. mid-morning snack, a short break for light refreshments, usually with tea or coffee, taken at about eleven o’clock in the morning.  
  5. Buckingham Palace is the London residence and administrative headquarters of the monarch of the United Kingdom.  
  6. royal blood, a person of noble birth  
  7. stands for Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. It is usually given to people who are in the public sphere or
    who have made big impacts locally in business or media or as part of a major charity.  
  8. a ceremony at which honours or rank are formally conferred on a particular person  
  9. an allowance for the private expenses of the British sovereign  
  10. a codename that refers to the plan for what will happen in the days after the death of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
    and the other Commonwealth realms. It is expected to be used to communicate the death of the Queen to the prime minister
    of the United Kingdom and key personnel to set the plan into motion.  
  11. rich or upper-class person, posh person.  
  12. In the United Kingdom, a Sloane Ranger, or simply a Sloane, is a stereotypical upper-middle or upper-class person, typically a young one,
    who embodies a very particular upbringing and outlook. The Sloane Ranger style is a uniform, effortless, and unambitious
    but sophisticated one. The term is a humorous combination of “Sloane Square”, a location in Chelsea, London, famed for the wealth of
    its residents and frequenters, and the television character The Lone Ranger.  
  13. has marked the official birthday of the British Sovereign for over 260 years. Parading soldiers, horses and musicians come together
    each June in a great display of military precision, horsemanship and fanfare to mark The Queen’s official birthday.

source: The Crown’ Cast Teaches You Royal Slang, Vanity Fair, Cambridge Dictionary
keys: 1. equerry; 2. nott cott; 3. HRH; 4. elevenses; 5. Buck House; 6. Blue Blood; 7. OBE; 8. investiture; 9. the privy purse; 10. operation London Bridge; 11. toff; 12. Sloane Rangers; 13. Trooping the Colour

equerry scudiero, dignitario di corte
noble nobile
to charge over the stables controllare le stalle
HRH His/Her Royal Highness – S.A.R. (Sua Altezza Reale)
in the grounds of sg al territorio di
grace-and-favour property una proprietá appartenente ad una persona reale 
to occupy occupare
abbreviated abbreviato
to refer to riferirsi, riguardare
refreshments cose da mangiare e bere
residence residenza
headquarters sede centrale
monarch monarca, sovrano.
public sphere sfera pubblica
to make impacts avere un impatto su
charity beneficenza
investiture investitura
honours onorificenza
ranks grado
to confer on conferire, assegnare
the privy purse la borsetta/il portafoglio privato del sovrano
sovereign sovrano
allowance diaria
Commonwealth realms i reami di Commonwealth
key personnel personale chiave (molto importante)
to set the plan into motion avviare un programma/piano
toff riccone, riccastro
to embody rappresentare
particular particolare, specifico
upbringing educazione
outlook atteggiamento, mentalità
effortless facile, semplice
unambitious privo di ambizioni
sophisticated fine, raffinato
to fame for rendere celebre per qualcosa
frequenters frequentatore
display manifestazione, espressione
horsemanship equitazione
elevenses merenda
OBE Ufficiale dell’Eccellentissimo Ordine dell’Impero Britannico
Trooping the Colour Sfilata della bandiera



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