
Comprensione orale (prova d’ascolto) livello B1 – Tips for Italian restaurants

Prova d’ascolto – livello B1. Ascoltate il testo e fate anche l’esercizio per praticare la comprensione orale.

Prova d’ascolto – livello B1. Ascoltate il testo e fate anche l’esercizio per praticare la comprensione orale.

Tips for Italian restaurants

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What do we learn about the following restaurants from the conversation?

1. Enoteca Corsi

2. Pizza De Forno

3. Il Priata in Priano

4. Hotel Il San Pietro

5. Cumpa Cosimo

Tips for Italian restaurants

A: You’ve travelled a lot in Italy and I know that you’re absolutely in love with the food there. So I’m sure you can give me some tips on where to eat.

B: Certainly, where are you going?

A: To Rome and we’ll spend a few days at the seaside, on the coast near Naples.

B: Let’s see Rome first. For a good local restaurant, Enoteca Corsi is a great place for proper Roman pasta that’s not too expensive. Say hi to the lovely Claudia, who runs it with her sister, parents, auntie, and uncle.

A: What about pizza?

B: As for the best pizza in town, Pizza De Forno would be my choice. It’s right on the market square, and you can watch them make the pizza through the window. You just get a slice of the thin pizza and walk out but it’s perfect.

A: And where shall we go at the seaside?

B: Il Priata in the town of Priano is one of my favourite restaurants in the world, run by a lovely couple. It’s as close to the sea as you can get – such a romantic setting – and the fish is just perfect. They get fresh fish all through the day and night and make wonderful dishes of them. The fish is often less than an hour out of the water and they don’t even use lemon or olive oil – they want you to taste the seawater.

A: Yes, we’ll check it out, for sure.

B: And there is Hotel Il San Pietro, too. It’s not cheap but really good, honest food. We had our wedding anniversary there and it was one of the greatest meals of my life. Even if you don’t eat, go at around 7 pm to watch the sun go down from the terrace. Order the Rosmarino cocktail that just fits the setting of lemon trees and wild rosemary.

A: Thanks for the tip. Maybe that will be enough.

B: No, you can’t miss Cumpa Cosimo, a restaurant in beautiful Ravello. The manager is a beautiful lady. She’s a member of the Slow Food Association, and when you go in she asks Monti o mare? Which means Mountain or sea?

A: What does it refer to? I don’t understand.

B: Where the food comes from. But whatever you say, she’ll bring out something incredible, whether it’s lamb, rabbit or fish. I had the most amazing bean soup of my life there. I was sure she had used meat in it but it was just beans from her garden.

A: Thanks, I’m certainly looking forward to these culinary delights. 


1. they have great pasta, not too expensive, Claudia runs it/is the manager together with her family
2. the best pizza in town, it’s on the marketplace, you can watch how they make the pizza through the window, you get a slice of the thin pizza and walk out
3. a lovely couple runs it, it’s close to the sea in a romantic setting, the fish is perfect, (very) fresh, they don’t use lemon juice or olive oil, you can taste seawater
4. not cheap but good food, the speaker’s wedding anniversary was there, you can watch the sun go down from the terrace and order a cocktail
5. managed by a beautiful lady, you can have lamb, rabbit or fish and amazing bean soup with beans from her garden


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