
Sir Elton John, Sir Michael Caine and the vaccine

In questo spot molto divertente il cantante e l’attore invitano tutti a vaccinarsi contro il Covid. – e noi impariamo e pratichiamo anche una struttura con l’aggettivo comparativo.

Dopo aver guardato il video compila il testo in base alle informazioni del video. Intanto pratichiamo la struttura “the + aggettivo comparativo” per mostrare che na cosa dipenda dall’altra, per esempio:

The sooner you come, the more people you’ll meet. – Piú presto vieni, piú gente incontri. 

source: Sir Elton John and Sir Michael Caine appear in NHS video urging people to get vaccinated, the Telegraph


Sir Elton John

Sir Michael Caine

D: Elton John audition, take one

SEJ: My name is Elton John.

D: Cut there, little 1._____ showbiz

SEJ: Elton, my name is Elton John.

D: Bit 2.______ showbiz

SEJ: My name is Elton John.

D: Let’s go for your Michael Caine impression, just let’s see what it’s 3.______

SEJ: My name is Elton John.

D: Beautiful, cut there.

SEJ: The 4. ______ people in society that get vaccinated, the 5._______ chance there is of eradicating the national Covid pandemic. It’s really 6. ______ to know that the vaccines have all been 7. ______ and met the necessary safety and quality standards.

D: So, this is the bit we’re going to have the vaccine, now Elton, so just 8. ______ of pretend that you’re having the vaccine from a nurse.

SEJ: Oh…

D: What was that, Elton?

SEJ: That was me acting! 

D: Okay, let’s cut there.

SEJ: And as you can see, ‘I’m still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah’

D: Wow, okay, thanks Elton, we’ll let you know.

SEJ: Oh well, at this short notice, you won’t find anyone 9. _____.

D: Thank you.

SMC: Hello, my name is Michael Caine. I’ve just had a vaccine for Covid. It didn’t hurt, not many people know that.

D: And cut, that was marvellous, that was fantastic, thank you so much Sir Cain, let the 10. _____ fella know he didn’t get the job.

keys/megoldások: 1. less; 2. more; 3. like; 4. more; 5. more; 6. important; 7. through; 8. kind; 9. bigger; 10. little


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