ricette americane

Raisin & Cinnamon Bread

Questo pane tipico degli Stati Uniti, tagliato a fette e tostato, è la colazione preferita dagli Americani. Con il pane raffermo, potete preparare il French Toast americano.

Raisin & Cinnamon Bread

Cuts into 10 slices
Calories per slice: 228
Fat per slice: 6,5g
Saturated fat per slice: 1,5g
Suitable for freezing: YES

–          350g gluten-free white bread flour

–          50g raisins

–          2 level tsp easy-bake, fast-action dried yeast

–          1tspb ground cinnamon

–          1 level tsp caster sugar

–          1 level tsp salt

–          1 level tsp xanthan gum

–          250ml milk

–          1 large egg

–          4 tbsp sunflower oil

–          1 tsp vinegar

–          1lb loaf tin, buttered

1.     Tip the flour into a bowl and stir in the raisins, yeast, cinnamon, sugar, salt and xanthan gum and mix well. Mix together the milk, egg, oil and vinegar.

2.     Pour the milk mixture into the flour and mix well to give a soft dropping consistency.

3.     Spoon the mixture into the tin and level the surface, leaving it slightly textured. Cover the tin loosely with oiled cling film and leave the loaf in a warm place to rise – until it’s risen above the rim of the tin.

4.     Set the oven to 220C or Gas Mark 7. Bake loaf in the centre of preheated oven for 30-40 mins, or until it sounds hollow when tapped underneath, covering with a sheet of foil if it starts to brown too quickly. Remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool. Serve sliced, spread with butter.

Wrap cold loaf in freezer bag and freeze for up to 1 month. Allow loaf to defrost before serving. Loaf may be refreshed in a hot oven for a few mins before serving.

slice – fetta

yeast – lievito

cinnamon – cannella

xanthan gum – gomma di xantano

vinegar – aceto

loaf tin – stampo per il pane, stampo per plumcake

to tip – rovesciare

to pour – versare

cling film – pellicola

rim – bordo, margine

preheated – preriscaldato

hollow – incavato, vuoto

to tap – tamburellare su

wire rack – griglia

to defrost – scongelare


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