lezioni di vocabolario

Let’s go to the beach! – Andiamo alla spiaggia!

Prepariamoci per le lunghe giornate in spiaggia con un po’ di lessico specifico (e se qualcuno di voi legge questo articolo già sdraiato al sole davanti al mare, allora… beato lui)!

Prepariamoci per le lunghe giornate in spiaggia con un po’ di lessico specifico (e se qualcuno di voi legge questo articolo già sdraiato al sole davanti al mare, allora… beato lui)!


Spending a day on the beach is the best idea on a hot summer day! Apart from swimming and sunbathing there are usually many other fun activities you can choose from at a sea or lakeside. If you can swim well you can go for a banana boat or a water tube ride, and if you are even more courageous, you can try parasailing (when a person is towed behind a boat while attached to a specially designed parachute to be carried up into the air). You can also try kayaking or jet skiing as well, on most beaches.


You will probably need to protect yourself against the sunrays, so a high-factor suntan lotion is very useful. Sunglasses and a sun hat are also recommended. Some people sit under parasols, which are like large umbrellas. On English beaches, where the weather is more unpredictablea wind-break (piece of fabric stretched between wooden poles) will keep the wind away! If you stay for a longer period, you can rent a beach hut, so you won’t have to carry your beach stuff every day, and you can even change clothes there.

On the beach, you can sit on a deckchair, or recline on a sun-lounger. Some people even lie on an inflatable mattress in the sea, called a lilo. Or you can lie out on a towel under the sun to catch as many rays as possible. Children like buckets and spades so they can build sandcastles. Some people take along beach balls, or Frisbees to throw to each other.

Nowadays people take along their mp3 players, iPads or e-book readers, too.  But perhaps the most common thing to take to the beach are mobile phones!

apart from … – oltre a

sunbathing – prendere il sole

courageous – coraggioso

to be towed – essere trainato

to be attached to  – essere attaccato a

specially designed – progettato in modo particolare

parachute – paracadute

to be carried  – essere trasportato

to protect oneself against – proteggere se stessi da

sunray – raggio di sole

suntan lotion – crema solare

recommended – raccomandato

parasol – ombrellone

unpredictable – imprevedibile

to be stretched between – essere teso tra

wooden poles – paletti di legno

beach stuff – cose da spiaggia

deckchair – sedia a sdraio

to recline – adagiarsi, mettersi comodo

sun-lounger – lettino solare

inflatable mattress – materassino gonfiabile

lilo – materassino gonfiabile

ray – raggio

bucket – secchiello

spade – paletta

to build sandcastles – costruire castelli di sabbia

to take along – portare

the most common – la cosa più comune


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