
La nonna che é partita per Kenya – la storia straordinaria di una nonna di 93 anni

La storia raccontata dalla nipote Elisa con un post su Facebook. Leggi e fai l’esercizio.

Italian nonna, 93, heads to Kenya to volunteer in orphanage

Meet Irma. Irma is going to Kenya to do voluntary work in an orphanage. Irma is 93.

Nonna Irma has become something of a celebrity in her native Italy after her proud granddaughter shared her story on Facebook this week.

“This is my grandma Irma, a young lady of 93, who set off for Kenya tonight,” wrote Elisa Coltro on Monday.

“Not to some tourist resort to be waited on hand and foot, but to go to a village of children, in an orphanage. I’m showing her to you because I believe that all of us should always keep a dash of recklessness in order to live and not just survive.

“Look at her… Who’s stopping her? I love her.”

Nonna Irma, of Noventana Vicentina in Veneto, is travelling with her daughter, Elisa’s mother.

“My mother sent me the photos from the airport and seeing my grandma, red suitcase and cane in hand, I felt so proud that I wrote the post,” Coltro told La Repubblica.

It was Irma’s idea to go to Kenya, Coltro said: having long made donations to an orphanage founded by an Italian missionary from her area, this year she decided that “donations weren’t enough, she wanted to make herself useful and and said to my mother: ‘Let’s go to Kenya. Or rather, I’m going and if you want you’re welcome to come too.'”

Mother and daughter are supposed to stay in Kenya for three weeks – “or perhaps my grandma will decide to stay and won’t come back,” joked Coltro. “It’s entirely possible, knowing her big heart and her energy.”

Irma, who lost her husband at 26 and later one of her three children, has spent her life helping people close to her, according to her granddaughter, who has done voluntary work herself in refugee camps in Greece.

“My grandma has always loved life and has never let anything stop her,” Coltro said. “She has always been an example for me.”

Now, hopefully, as thousands of people share Irma’s picture, she’ll prove an example to many more.

source: The Local

volunteer – volontario
orphanage – orfanotorio
native – nativo
proud – orgoglioso
to set off for – partire per
to be waited on hand and foot – servitor e rivertito
to keep a dash of … – mantenere un pizzico di
recklessness – temerarietá
in order to – al fine di
to survive – sopravivere
cane – bastone
to make a donation to – fare una donazione a
missionary – missionario
to make oneself useful – redersi utile
to decide – decidere
entirely – interamente
refugee camp  – campo profughi


  1. Nonna Irma is going to live in Kenya in the rest of her life.
  2. She is travelling with her granddaughter.
  3. She has a red suitcase.
  4. She has made donations before.
  5. Hundreds of people shared Irma’s picture on social media.

Key: F, F, T, T, F 


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