lezioni di grammatica

Everyday or Every day? Qual é la differenza?

Everyday o Every day? Con o senza spazio? Entrambe le forme esistono: la differenza è piccola ma c’è, ed è importante… Scopriamola assieme!

Everyday o Every day? Con o senza spazio? Entrambe le forme esistono: la differenza è piccola ma c’è, ed è importante… Scopriamola assieme!


Every day, I correct everyday writing mistakes. – Ogni giorno, io correggo degli errori quotidiani. 

Everyday (with no space) doesn’t mean the same thing as every day (with a space). In speech, however, they do sound the same. No wonder it’s so easy to confuse them with one another. What does each phrase mean and how do you use them? Let’s look at the definitions, along with some examples.

Everyday (as one word) is an adjective. Thesauruses list average, ordinary, and standard as synonyms. “Everyday clothing,” then, refers to the ordinary clothes you wear on regular days, as opposed to outfits designated for special events or holidays. Here are some quotes to help you understand how to use everyday.

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ―Pablo Picasso

“The most significant gifts are the ones most easily overlooked. Small, everyday blessings: woods, health, music, laughter, memories, books, family, friends, second chances, warm fireplaces, and all the footprints scattered throughout our days.” ―Sue Monk Kidd

Every day means “each day.”The easiest way to remember this is to think about the space separating the two words. Because of that space, “every” is simply an adjective modifying the word “day.” If you paired every with any other word, it would mean each.

I want to buy every album that Barbra Streisand has ever made. = I want to buy each of Barbra Streisand’s albums. – Voglio comprare ogni disco di Barbra Streisand.

I want to eat mashed potatoes every day of my life. = I want to eat mashed potatoes each day of my life. – Voglio mangiare pure di patate ogni giorno nella mia vita. 

Here are a few more quotes to illustrate the usage of “every day.”

“So, it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.” ―Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

“May you live every day of your life.” ―Jonathan Swift

“The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.” ―Jane Austen

So, how can you describe the difference between everyday and every day?

The one-word adjective everyday means “commonplace, daily, common, ordinary or routine.” Everyday as a noun refers to the routine.

Every day as two words means “each day.” Practice a few times every day this week, and distinguishing the two will become an everyday experience!

Remember: Everyday is an adjective and modifies nouns in sentences.

Every day is an adverbial phrase. It can be substituted with each day when you aren’t sure which one is correct.

source: grammarly.com

Everyday or every day? Which one would you use in the sentences below?

1. I need to start going to the gym …… .

2. The problems of …… life can easily sadden you.

3. These clothes are for …… use, they can be worn everywhere.

4. I get up very early …… .

5. I would run in the morning …… if I had more time.

6. We won’t go to any special place today so I think I’ll wear my …… shoes.

7. I go to work …… of the week.

8. If you work out …… you will be strong.

9. …… life can be pretty boring after a while, I definitely need some change.

10. Doing the washing up is quite an …… task for me.


1. every day

2. everyday

3. everyday

4. every day

5. every day

6. everyday

7. every day

8. every day

9. everyday

10. everyday

with no space senza spazio
with a space con uno spazio
no wonder nessuna meraviglia
to confuse confondere
adjective aggettivo
average comune
ordinary ordinario
outfit completi, vestiti
to be designated for essere previsto/ progettato/ designato per
dust polvere
to overlook non notare, non fare caso a, sottovalutare
blessing benedizione
woods bosco
fireplace caminetto
footprint impronte
to scatter sparpagliare, disperdere
to modify modificare
forever per sempre
dissatisfied insoddisfatto
to confirm confermare
belief credenza, convinzione, fede
inconsistency incoerenza
dependence affidamento
merit merito, valore
sense buon senso
commonplace luogo comune
to distinguish distinguere
noun nome
adverbial phrase frase avverbiale
to substitute with sg essere sostituito con


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