Situazioni d'emergenza

Dialoghi utili – Pronto soccorso alla spiaggia

Naturalmente non lo auguriamo a nessuno, ma come potremmo chiedere aiuto se dovessimo malauguratamente tagliarci un piede camminando nel mare? Eccovi un utile dialogo/esempio.

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Nurse: Hello.
Man: I think I need some help. I’ve just cut my foot.
Nurse: I see. How did it happen?
Man: I was coming out of the sea and something at the bottom of the water cut my foot. I have no idea what it was, and it started to bleed.
Nurse: Okay. Put your foot up, please.  I’ll flush it out with water, clean it, and put some antiseptic ointment on it. It may hurt a bit, but don’t worry, you’ll be all right soon.
Man: Will you bandage it, too?
Nurse: Yes, of course. It has to be bandaged to prevent any sand or dirt contact with the wound.
Man: Thank you.


(I think) I need some help.Penso di avere bisogno di aiuto.
I’ve cut my foot/hand/etc.Mi sono tagliato il piede/la mano/ecc.
How did it happen?Com’è successo?
I have no idea.Non ne ho idea.
It started to bleed.Ha iniziato a sanguinare.
Put your foot up.Metta il piede in alto.
I may hurt a bit.Potrei farle un po’ di male.
Don’t worry.Non si preoccupi.
You’ll be right soon.Starà bene presto.


to need helpavere bisogno di aiuto
to cuttagliare, tagliarsi
to happensuccedere, capitare
at the bottom of …sul fondo di
to bleedsanguinare
to flushsciacquare
to hurtfare male
to bandagebendare, medicare
sand sabbia
dirtterra, terriccio


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