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DIALOGHI UTILI: Al distributore di benzina

Ecco un dialogo con audio per aiutarvi comunicare in inglese ad una stazione di servizio all’estero.


Woman: Good morning! Can you help me?
Attendant: Of course. What can I do for you?
Woman: 30 pounds’ worth, please.
Attendant: Which fuel does it take?
Woman: Premium unleaded.
Attendant: Can you give me the key to the fuel tank?
Woman: Here you are. Can you check the oil as well?
Attendant: Yes, of course. Hmm. You’re a bit low on oil.
Woman: Do you need to change it?
Attendant: Yes, and you also need some screen wash.
Woman: OK. Thank you for your help. Where can I pay?
Attendant: Inside the shop.
Woman: Thank you.

Can you help me?Mi potrebbe aiutare?
Of course.Certamente.
What can I do for you?Cosa posso fare per lei?
… pounds’ worth, please.  – … euro (di benzina) per favore.
Which fuel does it take?Quale carburante usa?
Can you give me the key to the fuel tank?Mi potrebbe dare le chiavi del serbatoio?
Here you are.Ecco a lei.

Can you check the oil level as well?Potrebbe anche controllare il livello dlel’olio?
You’re a bit low on oil.  – È un po’ basso di olio.
Do you need to change it?Deve cambiarlo?
You need some screen wash.  – Le serve anche un lavaggio dei vetri.
Thank you for your help.Grazie per l’aiuto.
Where can I pay?Dove posso pagare?


premium unleadedsuper senza piombo
fuel tankserbatoio
oil levellivello dell’olio
to check to oil levelcontrollare il livello dell’olio
to be low on oilavere poco olio
screen washlavaggio vetri
inside the shopall’interno del negozio


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