ricette inglesi

Beer-Battered Fish and Double-Cooked Chips

Serves: 4
Calories: 742
Fat: 24g
Saturated fat: 3g

Not suitable for freezing

for the chips:

  • Oil, for deep frying
  • 1kg potatoes, peeled

for the batter:

  • 100g self-raising flour
  • 100g cornflour
  • 300ml light ale or bitter, well chilled

for the fish:

  • 4×150-175g haddock or cod fillets
  • 2tbsp flour, plain or self-raising
  • Mushy peas, to serve
  1. To make the chips, heat the oil for frying to 130-140ºC. Cut the potatoes into chips and rinse them well. Pat as dry as possible using absorbent kitchen paper. Cook them, in a couple of batches is necessary, for about 10 mins, or until they are very lightly golden and feel tender almost all the way through. Lift them out of the oil and spread them out on a tray lined with absorbent kitchen paper and leave to cool. They can be refrigerated and kept at this stage for several hours until ready to cook.
  1. To make the batter, mix together the flours and salt and pepper in a bowl. Lightly whisk in the light ale or bitter. Don’t worry if the batter is slightly lumpy, as it’s better not to over-mix it.
  1. To prepare the fish, heat the oil to 180-190ºC. Spoon the flour on the plate and season it with salt and pepper. Pat the fish dry on kitchen paper, then dip it in the flour to coat, tapping off any excess. Dip the fish into the batter and coat it completely and carefully lower into the hot fat, taking care in case it splatters. Cook the fish for 4-5 mins, then turn it and cook for a further 2-4 mins, until the fish has an even colour. If necessary, cook the fish in 2 batches and keep the first batch warm while cooking the second,. Keep it warm while cooking the chips.
  1. Return the chips to the pan, with the oil at 180-190ºC and cook for 4-5 mins or until they are golden and cooked through. Drain well and serve immediately with the fish, along with the hot mushy peas.

beer-battered – in pastella di birra

chips – patate fritte

deep frying – fritto in olio abbondante

self-raising flour – farina autolievitante

cornflour – maizena, amido di mais

ale – birra (ad alta fermentazione)

haddock – asinello, eglefino (tipo di pesce)

cod – merluzzo

mushy peas – purè di piselli

to rinse – risciacquare

absorbent kitchen paper – carta assorbente, scottex

batch – dose, gruppo

lined with – foderato di

to whisk in – sbattere, frustare

lumpy – grumoso

to dip – immergere

excess – eccesso, di troppo

to splatter – spruzzare

even – uniforme, tutto simile


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