

descrizione immagini, b1, b2, pets

Un immagine, due descrizioni con audio: pratichiamo la descrizione immagini sui livelli B1 e B2. Leggi il testo e ascolta anche l’audio.


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It’s a funny picture of a boy with two pet animals. One is sitting on his head and the other is in front of him. I don’t really know what kind of animals they are. They are grey and furry. They look like a mouse but they are bigger. They may be guinea pigs or ferrets but I’m not sure. The boy is cute and blonde and he is smiling happily. He has got big blue eyes and he’s wearing a bright yellow jacket. It’s strange that the animal is sitting on his head. I wouldn’t let that if I were in the boy’s place.

Children usually like keeping pets. Most of them have cats or dogs. Others keep guinea pigs, goldfish or parrots. Some people like keeping exotic pets like snakes or foxes. I once had a neighbour who kept spiders as a pet. They were disgusting.

When I was a child, I had a cat. She was beautiful and kind. She liked it when I stroked her fur and she purred a lot. But she sometimes scratched me when she was angry. Keeping a cat is easy and cats are grateful for your love.  

descrizione immagini, b1, b2, pets


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The boy in the picture is smiling broadly showing all his white teeth. He must love animals because he’s obviously not afraid of them and is happy to have them around. To tell you the truth I would probably scream my head off if there was an animal this big on my head. But I am not a big fan of animals, I never even had a pet in my life. It’s not easy to tell what kind of animals there are in the picture. They are mammals and rodents, that’s for sure. They are grey like a mouse, but they are definitely bigger, and their tails are longer. If I was allowed to use my cell phone at the moment I would try to find images of rodents in Google to find out what animals they are. They look cute in the picture, but I wouldn’t dare to touch them in real life. Not to mention keeping them.

Keeping a pet is a demanding task. You have to feed the animals, keep their living space clean and try to make their living circumstances as natural as possible. When it comes to pets most people choose a dog or a cat. Keeping them is not very complicated. They appreciate your love and care and can show their love easily. They are loyal and grateful animals and they are usually real friends. Some people though choose to keep strange or exotic pets in their homes. It beats me how somebody can keep venomous snakes or spiders at home, but it’s not extraordinary nowadays.

I’ve already mentioned that I’ve never had a pet and I don’t even plan to have one. My children kept nagging me for a cat or a dog when they were younger, but I never gave in. We’ve always been too busy to give proper care to a pet and I think it’s not fair to always leave it alone and not give as much love to it as it would need. My children always said that the pet would be their responsibility but I never believed them that they would keep to their promise. When they are grown-ups they can have their own pets if they still want to.  


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