
Chocolate, ginger and pear pudding

Un dolce speciale, facile da preparare – con pere, cioccolato e zenzero.

serves: 6-8
preparation time: 40 minutes
cooking time: 45 minutes
oven temperature: 160ºC

–        200g self-raising flour

–        30ml cocoa powder

–        8ml ground ginger

–        3ml ground mixed spice

–        110g brown sugar

–        50g butter, melted

–        200ml Guinness stout, at room temperature

–        2 large eggs

–        30ml molasses

–        330ml boiling water

–        ice cream or whipped cream, to serve

Caramel pears:

–        45ml butter

–        210g sugar

–        30ml Guinness stout

–        60ml cream

–        1 can baby pears, halved and cores removed

1. Stir the flour, cocoa and ginger and mixed spice together in a large bowl. Add the brown sugar.
2. Whisk the melted butter into the Guinness and then whisk in the eggs. Stir in the dry ingredients. Pour into a greased ovenproof dish.
3. Drizzle the molasses all over the top of the pudding and then carefully pour the boiling water over the pudding. Bake in a preheated oven for 45 minutes or until the pudding has set.
4. Meanwhile, prepare the pears. Heat the butter, sugar and Guinness together in a saucepan. Simmer for five minutes until it starts to thicken. Add the cream. Simmer for a further minute, then add the pears. Simmer for two more minutes, then remove from the heat and spoon over the top of the pudding. Serve hot with ice cream or whipped cream.

ground mixed spice – miscela di spezie macinate
molasses – melassa
whipped cream – panna montata
halved – dimezzata
cores removed – nocciolo tolto
to whisk in – sbattere in
until it has set – fino a quando si solidifica
to prepare – preparare
to remove from the heat – rimuovere dal fuoco         


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