
Impara l’inglese! – L’inglese come lingua straniera

In questo articolo si parla di come… ma soprattutto perché dobbiamo imparare l’inglese!

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Learning English as a Second Language

Learning to speak English is the best thing you can do to improve your life. If you speak English you can get information that other people can’t understand, you can communicate with people who don’t speak Hungarian, and you can have better career opportunities.

English is not only the most useful language in the world, but it is also one of the easiest languages to learn. There are plenty of possibilities to improve your English. If you don’t have English classes at your school or work, you can take English lessons from a private teacher, you can go to a language school, or you can learn by yourself. There are plenty of books, CDs, websites and mobile applications that can help you learn English.

If you want to speak English well, you have to improve all your skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Writing is the most difficult language skill to learn, it takes many years of practice to be a good writer.

Before starting a course you are generally required to take an assessment test to determine your knowledge in English. You can usually choose from elementary, lower-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate, advanced and proficiency courses. There are also lessons that focus on specific skills, like vocabulary building, pronunciation or exam preparation.

to improve – migliorare

career – carriera

opportunity – possibilità, opportunità

plenty of – molte

private teacher – insegnante privato

mobile application – applicazione per dispositivo mobile

skill – abilità

practice – pratica

to be required to – essere necessario qualcosa

assessment test – test di valutazione

to determine – determinare, stabilire

knowledge – conoscenza 

elementary – elementare

lower-intermediate – pre-intermedio

intermediate – intermedio

upper-intermediate – sovra-intermedio

advanced – avanzato

proficiency – professionale

to focus on – concentrarsi su

specific – specifico

vocabulary building – costruzione del vocabolario

pronunciation – pronuncia

exam preparation – preparazione agli esami


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