
Budapest, come città ideale per i nomadi digitali? – ascolto/lettura (B1/B2)

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Con il testo seguente puoi praticare sia l’ascolto che la lettura, e non dimenticare memorizzare le parole nuove!


Budapest is becoming a popular place among digital nomads

Hungary’s capital is extremely popular with digital nomads, as evidenced by, a statistics site that provides them with basic information.

In July 2021, a government resolution was adopted on Hungary’s support for the entry and temporary settlement of digital nomads, and in November, the Parliament voted in favour of it, as reported.

Digital nomads have to apply for a so-called White Card in the country of their choice. However, not everyone can apply for one: for instance, a person who has already applied for a residence permit in Hungary for other purposes, such as studying, cannot apply for a White Card. Citizens of EEA member states (EU member states, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) cannot apply for a White Card, as they are subject to different entry-stay rules.

In Hungary, the White Card is available from 1 January 2022 and it can help the further development of start-ups in the Hungarian tech sector and also reduce the labour shortage in the sector.

It is estimated that there are currently around 3-5 thousand digital nomads working in Budapest. In the summer season, this number could jump to 8-10 thousand, but this includes European arrivals.

source: Daily News Hungary

evidenced certificato
to provide fornire
resolution decisione
to adopt adottare
support supporto
entry accesso
temporary settlement insediamento temporaneo
to vote votare
in favour of sg a favore di qualcosa
to apply applicare
residence permit permesso di soggiorno permanente
purpose scopo
entry-stay ingresso-residenza
to reduce ridurre
labour shortage carenza di manodopera
to estimate stimare
currently attualmente
to include includere




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