ricette internazionali

Speedy Apple And Almond Puff Pastry Slice

La pasta sfoglia alle mele é una delle piccole e graziose delizie da assaporare a colazione o a merenda, preparate con pasta sfoglia e fettine di mela.

serves: 6
calories: 372
fat: 13g
saturated fat: 4.5g
suitable for freezing: NO


212.5g sheet ready-rolled puff pastry, defrosted
250g packet white marzipan, coarsely grated
3 eating apples, halved and cored
juice of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon icing sugar, sieved


Set the oven to Gas Mark 6 or 200 °C. Put a flat baking sheet in the oven to heat up.

Unroll pastry on to another flat baking tray. Sprinkle marzipan over, leaving a 2.5cm border around the sides.

Hold an apple half in a bridge shape and thinly slice. Lift up the sliced apple at the ends and position into a corner of the pastry on top of the marzipan. Press gently, to spread the slices slightly. Repeat with the other five apple halves. Dust icing sugar over apples.

Place tart, still on its baking sheet, on top of the preheated baking sheet, and cook for 30 minutes or until the pastry is golden and the apples tender

puff pastry pasta sfoglia
coarsely grated macinato grosso
sieved setacciato
to sprinkle spargere
to dust spolverare
preheated preriscaldato
tender tenero, morbido


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