
Vacanze Romane – compito sul film

Vacanze Romane è forse il più famoso film ambientato a Roma nella storia del cinema. Guardiamo una scena del film e facciamo l’esercizio collegato.

Vacanze Romane è forse il più famoso film ambientato a Roma nella storia del cinema. Guardiamo una scena del film e facciamo l’esercizio collegato. (PS: riconoscete la piazza e la scalinata dove si trovano Audrey Hepburn e Gregory Peck?)

JOE. Well, look: before you do, why don’t you take a little time for yourself?

ANN [shaking her head, unsure] It may be another hour.

JOE [enthusiastically] Live dangerously: take the whole day!

ANN. I could do some of the things I’ve always wanted to.

JOE. Like what?

ANN. Oh, you can’t imagine… I’d, I’d like to do just whatever I’d like, the whole day long! [She laughs].

JOE. You mean, things like having your hair cut? Eating gelato?

ANN. Yes, and I’d, [looking down to the street] I’d like to sit at a sidewalk cafe; and look in shop windows; walk in the rain!

[Joe looks at the blue sky doubtfully] Have fun, and maybe some excitement. It doesn’t seem much to you, does it?

JOE. It’s great. Tell you what: why don’t we do all those things together.

ANN. But don’t you have to work?

JOE. Work? [Standing up] No! Today’s gonna be a holiday.

ANN [playfully] But you’ll want to do a lot of silly things.

JOE [taking her hand] Don’t I? First wish: one sidewalk cafe, coming right up-I know just the place: [he gently pulls her up, setting off down the steps] Rocca’s.

Ha melléknévből határozót akarunk képezni, azt úgy tehetjük meg, hogy a melléknévhez ‘ly’ képzőt kapcsolunk, ahogy a film szövegében is láttuk.

unsure – insicuro

enthusiastically – entusiasticamente

sidewalk – marciapiede

shop window – vetrina

doubtfully – con fare dubbioso, dubbiosamente

excitement – eccitazione

silly – sciocco, ridicolo

gently – gentilmente

to set off – avviarsi

In inglese aggiungiamo il suffisso “ly” ad un aggettivo per trasformarlo in avverbio, come possiamo vedere in numerosi esempi nel testo del film. Crea gli avverbi partendo dagli aggettivi dati. Attenzione alle eccezioni!

1. beautiful  
2. nice  
3. exciting  
4. good  
5. bad  
6. enormous  
7. comforting  
8. fast  
9. safe  
10. hopeful  


1. beautifully

2. nicely

3. excitingly

4. well

5. badly

6. enormously

7. comfortingly

8. fast

9. safely

10. hopefully


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