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100 dialoghi utili – Public transport/Trasporto pubblico – bus

Ascoltiamo adesso un dialogo per imparare come chiedere informazioni su autobus.

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Does this bus go to Rubery Great Park?
Bus driver: Yes, it does. Step up.
Woman: What´s the fare?
Bus driver: £1.20. Deposit the fare in the slot, please.
Woman: Can you change a ten-pound note?
Bus driver: Of course, I have plenty of change.
Woman: Thanks! Can I leave my bag in the luggage rack?
Bus driver: Yes, of course but be sure to keep an eye on it, there are thieves about.
Woman: Could you tell me when to get off?
Bus driver: Okay. I´ll call it out for you, ma´am. Move to the rear, please.
Woman: Excuse me. How many more stops is it to the park?
Bus driver: It’s the fifth stop from here, but I will give you a shout.
Woman: Thank you for your help.


Does this bus go to …? – Questo autobus va a …?
Step up! – Salga!
What’s the fare? – Quant’è la tariffa?
Deposit the fare in the slot! – Lasci i soldi nella fessura!
Can you change a … note? – Può cambiare una banconota da … ?
Of course. – Certamente.
Keep an eye on …! – Tieni d’occhio il… !
There are thieves about. – Ci possono essere dei ladri.
Could you tell me when to get off? – Mi potrebbe dire quando scendere?
I’ll call it out for you. – Lo annuncerò per lei.
Move to the rear. – Si sposti nel retro.
How many more stops to … ? – Quante fermate ci sono per …?


to step up – salga
fare – tariffa
to deposit – lasciare, depositare
slot – fessura, buco
note – banconota
change – monete, spiccioli
luggage rack –ripiano portabagagli
to keep an eye on – tenere d’occhio
thief/thieves – ladri
to get on – salire
to get off – scendere
to call out for – chiamare il nome di qualcosa/qualcuno
stop – fermata


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