
French Toast con mirtilli – ricetta in inglese

Volete una colazione sostanzosa? Allora preparate e mangiate un french toast con mirtilli!

Il french toast è una classica preparazione da prima colazione che, anche se con nomi diversi, si è ormai diffusa in tutto il mondo.

Fluffy whole wheat French Toast

french toast

Serves: 4-6
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes

¼ cup all purpose flour
1 cup milk
1 pinch of salt
3 eggs
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp real maple syrup
12 slices of bread
topping: powdered sugar and fresh berries, maple syrup or jam
1. Measure flour into a large mixing bowl. Slowly whisk in the milk.
2. Whisk in the salt, eggs, cinnamon, vanilla extract and maple syrup until smooth.
3. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat.
4. Dip bread slices into mixture.
5. Cook bread on each side until golden brown.
6. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve hot with berries, jam or maple syrup. 

pinch of – un pizzico di
ground cinnamon – cannella in polvere
vanilla extract – estratto di vaniglia
maple syrup – sciroppo d’acero
powdered sugar – zucchero a velo
to measure – misurare
to whisk in – sbattere con la frusta
smooth – morbido
non-stick – antiaderente
frying pan – padella
to dip – immergere
to sprinkle – spolverare / spargere


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