ricette internazionali

Sugar and spice cookies

Per le feste natalizie non possono mancare lucine, ghirlande, ed i biscotti di Natale, come i biscotti di Pan di zenzero, amatissimi nel mondo anglosassone.

Sugar and spice cookies

These pretty sugar and spice gingerbread men and heart-shaped cookies make a great Christmas treat. Make them into special but cost-effective gifts for your friends and family.

makes: 20
preparation time:1 hour
cooking time:20 minutes
total time:1 hour 20 minutes


2 tbsp. runny honey
30g unsalted butter
60g light muscovado sugar
250g self-raising flour (to convert plain flour into self-raising flour, add two teaspoons of baking powder to each cup of plain flour)
1 tsp. ground ginger
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
finely grated zest of1 lemon, plus 2-4 tbsp. juice
ground almonds
1 large egg

To decorate:

50g icing sugar, sieved
silver balls

You will need:

parchment paper and baking sheets
5cm biscuit cutters
small plain piping nozzle
paper piping bag


1.     Put the honey, butter and sugar into a small pan and stir over a low heat until the butter is melted.

2.     Sieve the flour, ginger and cinnamon into a bowl. Add the lemon zest and ground almonds.

3.     Pour the egg, melted mixture and lemon juice into the dry ingredients. Stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture comes together.

4.     Knead the mixture on a lightly floured surface for a couple of minutes, then wrap in cling film and pop in the freezer for 30 minutes to firm up.

5.     Set the oven to Gas Mark 4 or 180°C. Roll out the dough to a 5mm thickness, on a parchment-lined surface, and stamp out the biscuit shapes. You should be able to get about 20. Push the tip of a tiny plain piping nozzle near the top edge of each biscuit, and lift out to make a hole.

6.     Put the biscuits on to parchment-lined baking sheets. Bake for 15-20 minutes until pale golden. Cool on a wire rack.

7.     To decorate: Mix the icing sugar with 4 tsp. hot water, to make a smooth icing. Spoon into a paper piping bag with the nozzle. Pipe icing on the biscuits and decorate with silver balls. Leave to set.

OUR TIP: To give it as a gift thread ribbon through holes in biscuits. Wrap in cellophane. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

spice spezia
gingerbread men omino di pan pepato
heart-shaped a forma di cuore
cost-effective economico
runny sciolto, troppo liquido
unsalted non salato
baking powder lievito in polvere
ground ginger zenzero macinato
ground cinnamon cannella macinata
finely grated grattuggiato finemente
zest of lemon buccia di limone
ground almonds mandorle macinate
sieved setacciato
biscuit cutter stampo per biscotti
piping nozzle bocchetta (per sac a poche)
to stamp out qui: tagliare
tip punta
to lift out tirare fuori
hole buco
to store conservare
airtight container contenitore a chiusura ermetica



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