ricette internazionali

Rum and raisin brownies

Pronto in meno di 60 minuti – prova anche tu questa ricetta, e impara anche alcune parole in inglese intanto!

Makes: 25 squares
Preparation time:15 minutes
Baking time:30-35minutes
Oven temperature:160oC


– 45ml dark rum
– 100g raisins
– 250g butter
– 300g treacle sugar
– 100g cocoa powder, plus extra for dusting
– 4 large eggs
– 100g self-raising flour

1. Pour the rum over the raisins and set aside to soak for 30 minutes.
2. Heat the butter, sugar and cocoa powder together. Once melted, remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
3. Beat the eggs lightly and stir into the cocoa mixture. Fold in the flour. Stir in the rum-soaked raisins and spoon the mixture into a greased and lined 25x25cm tin. Bake in a preheated oven for 30-35minutes, or until the cake is just firm but still moist inside.
4. Remove from the oven and cool. The cake will become firmer as it cools. Cut into squares. Dust with extra cocoa powder, if you prefer.

square quandrato
raisin uvetta
treacle sugar zucchero di melassa
cocoa powder cacao in polvere
to dust spolverare
self-raising flour farina con lievito
to pour versare
to set aside mettere da parte
to soak inzuppare
to melt scioglere, scioglersi
to remove rimuovere
to beat the eggs sbattere le uova
lightly leggermente
to stir mescolare
to fold in incorporare, aggiungere
preheated preriscaldato
firm fermo
moist umido


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