ricette internazionali

Pepperoni and Chilli Slice

Vediamo adesso una ricetta particolare con marmellata di peperoni!

Vediamo adesso una ricetta particolare con marmellata di peperoni! 

Pepperoni and Chilli Slice

serves: 6-8
calories per serving: 249
fat per serving: 16g
saturated fat per serving: 8.4g
suitable for freezing: X

  • 320g ready-rolled puff pastry sheet
  • 4tbsp Sweet Chilli Jam
  • few sprigs of basil, torn, plus extra for garnish
  • 2 tomatoes, sliced
  • 55g pack sliced pepperoni
  • 100g pack goat’s cheese, sliced
  • milk, to glaze
  • baking sheet, lined with baking parchment

1) Set the oven to 220°C or Gas Mark 7.

2) Unroll the pastry and trim away the edges. Make cuts into the edge all the way around and place on the baking sheet. Brush water just inside the edge and fold over a small amount of pastry to give a rim. Spread the jam over the inside of the pastry and scatter over the basil.

3) Spread the sliced tomato over the top, then the pepperoni. Break the goat’s cheese slices into pieces and scatter on top. Brush milk over the pastry rim.

4) Bake for 20-25 mins, until the pastry has risen and is golden in colour. Remove from the oven and serve immediately. 

Sweet Chilli Jam

Jam Packed - Aug 2015

makes approximately 1.25kg
calories per tbsp: 50
fat per tbsp: 0
saturated fat per tbsp: 0
suitable for freezing: X

  • 100-150g red chillies, tops cut off
  • 2 red peppers, deseeded and roughly chopped
  • 500ml bottle white wine vinegar
  • 1kg packet jam sugar
  • Sugar thermometer

1) Place the chillies and red pepper in a food processor and whizz until finely chopped.

2) Pour the vinegar into a pan and add the sugar. Stir over a low heat until the sugar dissolves.

3) Add the chilli and red pepper mixture and bring to the boiling point. Boil the mixture for 10-15 mins, until it reaches 105°C. Turn off the heat and test for the setting point.

4) Once the jam has reached its setting point, leave it to cool for 20-30 mins, then pour it into warm, sterilised jars. Place a wax disc on top and leave to cool. Cover the jars and store in a cool, dry, dark place for up to 3 months. Once opened, keep the jar in the fridge.

deseeded – senza semi

roughly chopped – tagliato grossolanamente

white wine vinegar – aceto di vino bianco

food processor – frulatore

to bring to the boiling point – portare al punto di ebollizione

to pour – versare

jar – vasetto, barattolo

to store – riporre, immagazzinare

puff pastry – pasta sfoglia

sprigs of basil – ramoscelli di basilico

garnish           – guarnizione

sliced – affettato

edge – estremità

to fold over – piegare

rim – bordo, orlo



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