
New Year, New Leaf – What are you resolutions for the new year?

Avete fatto la vostra lista dei buoni propositi?

New Year, New Leaf

It is the time of year when many people try to turn a new leaf and make New Year’s resolutions in an attempt to improve their lives. Are any of the top 40 resolutions familiar to you? This list is the result of a research involving 2000 people and it reveals many of the problems typical of modern life.

Why should we make promises to ourselves? Perhaps because we know that resolutions are hard to stick to, especially when we want to give up a bad habit, like smoking, drinking, or eating too much chocolate. Another reason could be that they test our will-power. After all, going to the gym or cooking a healthy meal after a long day at work means making an extra effort. Traditionally, the beginning of a new year also brings the need for order, the need to get rid of the old stuff and magic some freshness and novelty into our boring daily lives. Selling old unwanted stuff on E-bay is definitely a modern solution to the problem and the money you get could help finance a resolution you’ve made, such as redecorating your home or renewing your hairstyle or wardrobe.

Many New Year’s resolutions focus on improving our health, fitness or finances, which often require sacrifices. Therefore, it is not difficult to see why so many of them last only for a month or so into the year. Why not pick something pleasant for 2020 instead? Taking up a hobby you’ve been postponing for years might make a difference in your stressful life. The poll also shows that many people try to focus on personal relationships as well: spending more time with the kids, meeting one’s friends in person rather than online or admitting that our relationship with our spouse or partner needs some improvement can lead to a more fulfilling life.

According to magazine Health, the top 10 healthiest resolutions include not only the old favourites of losing weight, giving up smoking, getting more sleep and cutting back on alcohol, but also some surprising suggestions: travelling, going back to school, volunteering and staying in touch with friends and family all contribute to our well-being. With this in mind, it might be worth establishing a new tradition, such as meeting up once a month for a meal with extended family or vowing to go hiking regularly with a group of friends. Staying clear of people who only add to your stress levels is also a wise decision, so this might be the right time to see which relationships only drain your energy. Research also shows that going back to school has a positive influence on both career and mental health, as people who learn something new as adults stay sharper in old age as well. Don’t hesitate to get out your books, now you have scientific proof for the extra benefits of regular English lessons.

New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be very complicated in order to make your life more exciting. Extreme sports and bungee jumping can give you a thrill but many people are not cut out for this kind of thing. By saving a smaller sum of money every month, you could take the holiday you couldn’t afford last year, for instance. Another option is to try a new food every week or get together with friends for a film club and a chat. Take initiative and you’ll find small things can go a long way.

to turn a new leaf Voltare pagina
resolution Propositi
attempt Tentativo
to improve Migliorare
familiar Familiare
to reveal Rivelare
to stick to something Seguire rigorosamente
bad habit Cattiva abitudine
to test Testare
will-power Forza di volontà
after all Dopotutto
gym Palestra
to make an effort Fare uno sforzo
order Ordine
to get rid of something Sbarazzarsi di qualcosa
novelty Novità
to finance Finanziare
to require sacrifices Necessitare sacrifici
therefore Inoltre
to last Durare
for a month or so Per un mese circa
to take up Iniziare (un hobby…)
to postpone Postporre
to make a difference Fare la differenza
in person Di persona
to admit Ammettere
spouse Sposo/a
fulfilling Soddisfacente / appagante
to cut back on Ridurre
suggestion Suggestione
volunteering Volontariato
to stay in touch Rimanere in contatto
to contribute to Contribuire a
well-being Benessere
with this in mind Con questo in mente
to be worth Valere la pena
to establish Stabilire / impiantare
extended family Famiglia allargata
to vow Fare un voto
to staying clear of Restare alla larga
decision Decisione
to drain one’s energy Prosciugare le energie
mental health Salute mentale
sharp (Mente) lucida
to hesitate Esitare
scientific proof Prova scientifica
benefits Benefici
in order to Per / al fine di
exciting Eccitante
thrill Scossa / scarica (di adrenalina)
to be cut out for Essere tagliati per …
to afford Permettersi
to take initiative Prendere l’iniziativa
to go a long way Avere successo


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